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hairy gum

A party trick involving exposing only the nutsack which looks like a piece of gum rolled in hair (assuming one does not shave his nuts).

Hey man, look! I got some hairy gum stuck to my pants!

by sheshkable June 8, 2006

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hairy woof

A vagina that has never been trimmed or just an overgrown messy mass of pubic hair.

I was going down on this eskimo bitch and when i pulled her undies off this HAIRY WOOF popped out! I felt like moses parting the red sea to find her pussy lips.

I was drunk when I met this girl and when we got naked she had a HAIRY WOOF that looked like buckwheat in a leglock!!

by choochie December 12, 2007

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hairy musket

when you put your bare ass on some poor bastards head and fart....not a pleasent thing

Joe: damn you just got a hairy musket
kyle: Im gonna go kill myself

by sheet January 11, 2004

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hairy yeti

It is when a woman if so hairy you can't find the vagina.

"Did you go down on her?"
"No, I couldn't get past the hairy yeti."

by Super Hot Dave August 7, 2017

Hairy Nerd

Someone who is obsessed with the Harry Potter book/movie series . Also know as a book boy.

Emily:"Gabe is such a hairy nerd"
Makaela:"Yeah that makes him a book boy.

by TOMDARAK May 3, 2020

Hairy Dan

Any feminist/feminazi, especially ones with hairy armpits. It is derived from the word "harridan", which means "a strict, bossy, or belligerent old woman."

person #1: Are you going to intern at the Daily Wire?
person #2: No, my mom's a real Hairy Dan.
person #1: That sucks, Hairy Dans are so unreasonable.

by Phil Cabinet July 18, 2017

hairy petter

-comes in the form of PETER KIM
-erotic counterpart of harry potter
-writes erotic novels
-spills anal aliens on his pants
-an anal strategist who enjoys, and quote, "anal gallivantings"
-a backdoor matadore at his best

you're a lovely boy, hairy petter.

by JChao February 27, 2008