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Student Government

A group where your expected to actually make changes in the school and organize community enriching events even though you know you have absolutely 0 POWER and have to attend dumb meetings about things that won't come true. Ideas range in these meetings from napkin sells to 5k runs that have been in development for over a year. Your lucky to know half your members and you will continually struggle to go to meetings and beg your friends to sign you in even though they aren't going either. So I guess the only people who survive stugo are the hardcore stugoers.

Person1: Hey you going to student government
Person2: Hahahahahah. Nice one.
Person1: .....
Person2: Wait. You aren't joking!?

by I like pickles March 7, 2015

27πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Student Film

9/10 times, a student film involves:
- Zombies
- The homeless
- Suicide or Death in a dramatic light
- A short story they didn't write
- Alarm clocks
- The stalest of actors
- Needless exploitation of available resources (slow motion, racking focus for no reason, fancy credit titles)
- Poser pablum
- Blunt and painful symbolism
- An epic tale constrained to 5 minutes
- Copyrighted music used without permission, probably Radiohead or Sigur Ros
- Terrible sound or terrible shots (usually sound, rarely both)

9/10 times, a student piece sucks balls.

The 10th time, the time that it doesn't suck balls, it's probably a comedy.

Did you see that student film about the kid with a literal crutch, but his crutch was also his mother? And when he told her how she's his CRUTCH he threw his crutch on the ground and walked off? Deep man... DEEP.

by DougYoung February 13, 2009

34πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Student Village

The nice and politically-correct name that Queen's University insists refers to the hundreds of student houses surrounding its campus. Those living within and around it, however, more frequently (and accurately) call it the Student Ghetto, or "The Ghetto" for short. It is home to the famous and nefarious "Aberdeen Street Party" every year at Homecoming, in which 6000+ people (mostly from out of town) cram into a 500 metre-long street.

By and large, the houses are run-down and the rent overpriced. The neighbourhood is also home to "ghetto bugs," which are really just disgusting big millipedes. Squirrels also run amok in the ghetto and do not fear humans whatsoever; sometimes entering student homes through the crappy screen windows.

Behaviour in the "Village" includes drunk 20-somethings loudly stumbling home from the bar all days of the week and frequent cries of "Ole, Ole, Ole Oleeee..." as people begin flip cup games on their front lawn. People play football on the streets. BBQs are common. The sidewalks are never paved in the winter. Drivers beware, there is a lot of jaywalking.

Some non-students do live in the so-called "Student Village," and they either adore students or hate them desperately. They live in much nicer houses than the students, because their landlords do not take unfair advantage of them.

Either way, the "Student Village" is an overly polite euphemism to prevent the University from actually having to DO anything to improve the housing conditions for the students in the area, and is used as a tool to uphold the school's Reputation, although most of the students are living in total shitholes.

Queen's University staff member: Oh hello, young student! I'm doing some PR work. Do you live in the Student Village?

Student: The what?? Sorry lady, I live in the Ghetto.

by ktowner2010 June 1, 2009

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

art student

There are many different kinds of art students in the world, all with a different perogative and reason for persuing the artistic field. I'm going to outline the main ones, but remember that all these definitions aren't set in stone and can be blended together.

1. Lazy art student. These people usually study art because they think it will be easy and that anyone can paint a masterpiece. They think they can just shit whatever onto a canvas and say "TA-DA!" and they'll get an A+. But they find out in good time that there is nothing easy about art school and that they actually HAVE to broaden their horizons and work hard to be successful.

2. Procrastinator art students. Not to be confuse with Lazy art students. These are the students that are likely to have a plethora of ideas and emotions and great things circling their mind. But since they're procrastinators they don't attempt to put it to paper until the very night before an assignment is due. In frustration they'll give up on what was potentially something great and do something much simpler, without as much thought.

Unlike lazy art students, they most likely DO know that it takes hard work to be an artist, they simply do not have the drive it requires.

3. Shy art students. Like procrastinating art students, the shy ones probably know that you must work and have great ideas to work with. But the one true flaw in these art students is that they fear what people will say them and their art.

They worry if the message is too contoversial or just stupid, if this nude will be regarded as gratuitous, if people will find his/her technique ameteur, and so on and so forth. So they will usually change it to make it more streamlined and give it a less interpretable message.

4. Rich art students. Just what it sounds like. These are rich kids who decide to use their college fund to attend art school. These people are usually a mixture of different kinds of art students, particularly lazy and annoying ones. Occasionally you will find a rich art student that is actually serious about being there and really knows what they're doing with their life, but more than likely it's someone who'se trying to get back at their parents for pushing them to hard to be a lawyer/doctor/join the family business/etc.

5. Annoying art students. These students more than likely love art and love to draw/paint/whatever but they get very obsessive about it and often place themselves upon a pedestal as "one of the greatest". Sometimes they will refuse and even get offended at serious critiques. And last, there are a few, like lazy and rich art students, that have little talent or vision to offer.

6. Serious art students. These are the students that know what they're doing at art school, they know it's not easy and that it takes work and they welcome the challenge. They might not always have a fantastic vision to work with but they can and will find a way to make something better. They study art movements, history, techniques, various mediums and more importantly other artists.

Examples of what art students are likely to say.

1. "I don't really have any skills but I need to amke a living. I know! I'll just go to art school and become famous, it'll be fun and easy."

2. "Oh man, this is due tomorrow, but i just can't seem to paint what I'm seeing in my mind... whatever, I'll just paint a forest and I'll get it right next time."

3."Maybe I shouldn't draw a nude afterall, I mean, what if everyone calls me a pervert? I'll just put a nice dress on her."

4. "Dammit dad, I don't want to be a doctor! I want to live on the edge! I'm going to art school!"


"I wish my parents would understand that I don't want to go to law school. I love art and I want to go to art school."

5. "This painting is so great, everyone will love it. There's no way they could critique something so perfect. If they do they're just jealous."

6. "This is okay, but how can I make it better? I'll get someone else to come and look at it and tell me what they think. There's always room for improvement."

by Mollneedsasmoke February 7, 2009

146πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

AP Student

a generally nerdy person, except for the few in the class that are kickass individuals. they spend most of their time copying outlines from the book website or e-mailing their friends to say FUCK I HATE THISS or generally to pass on some good ids. they do not read the chapter until the night before the test. for the final ap test, they like to alternate between freak out mode for which they are famous for among their non-ap friends and the standard "i dont even care" which makes them feel better about their 2 hours spent studying. their palms sweat before their test and afterwards they share a jumping highfive and then get drunk for the first time of their life from pure excitement. this is what goes down for an ap student.

"i am an ap student"

"wow u only get drunk to celebrate the end of ap test"



"mom she started it"

"no germany started it when they invaded poland"
*collective BURRRRN*

by cranberryyyy May 6, 2006

436πŸ‘ 150πŸ‘Ž

Art Student

Anything’s better than a theatre kid.

Carl: Your dating Parker? Isn’t she some art student?
Sam: Bruh your literally dating some theater chick who sings show tunes...

by kickrocks August 16, 2020

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

The Student Room

A large British student forum that is 99% inhabited by geeks and nerds who spend the best part of their days talking about schools and universities whilst also pretending they're cool and get laid at parties every weekend (whilst having 300,000+ post counts), whilst also discussing how they did in their latest exams, as well as bitching about how they ONLY got an A on (insert GCSE here) or ONLY 598/600 marks in their AS level Physics exam and how they are demanding a remark for 600/600, because obviously it doesn't matter about the fact they have an A. MUST GET THAT REMARK.

For some reason, they're all obsessed with Oxbridge and the other top 5 universities, and don't seem to acknowledge that getting less than A* in your GCSE's or A's in your A-levels doesn't make you thick and doesn't doom you to ex-polytechnic universities (what's wrong with them anyway?)

Politically, the forum is very left-wing, so if you mention ANY negative point about immigration, islam, etc. prepare to be bashed to smitherines in the debate topics.

- Typical discussion on The Student Room -

Geek Girl: I got my GCSE's back today. I got 3 A*, 5 A's and 4 B's. I'm so happy. I'm doing four A levels.


Geek Girl 2: Just 12 A*?! I GOT 15 A*

.. and you know the rest/

by HAHAHAHAHAH - No June 19, 2010

325πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž