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World of Warcraft

A mmorpg that weak minded people get addicted to and once addicted they will become a fat sociopath living in their mom's basement who piss in a cup and shit in a bucket, this is because they are unable to move due to them been consumed by the huge mass of body fat.

Addicted and Fat Wow Player: "Mom can you empty my cup and bucket for me?"

Disappointed Mum: "You really should stop playing that game and get a life"

Addicted and Fat Wow Player: "But World of Warcraft is my life"

Disappointed Mum: (Sound of the house door slamming)

by Ixon December 17, 2009

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World of Warcraft

A game played by gimps who don't know how to get on a UO freeshard. Full of unoriginal features and pointless grinding until you reach your level cap, at which point you hit a total plateau and have nothing left to do except; A) gank newbies or B) start another character and grind your way through it yet again.

World of Warcraft was made by sticking chunks of fail together with nails made of shit.

by raptorjesus712 September 21, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

world of warcraft

A computer game that substitutes real life for people who don't have one. Often leads to body odor, weight gain, and loss of social skills. Is often defended by players as a "complicated game that takes intelligence" when in fact any mentally handicapped person could probably figure it out. A virtual land which losers visit to find virtual friends and virtual dates, giving each other virtual kisses and flirting with virtual women, who are, in fact, probably 29-year-old gay mormon men.

"Hey I've become a World of Warcraft level 43 human paladine! Now my girlfriend will think I am cool and won't mind that I have no money, gained 40 pounds, and haven't seen her in 3 weeks!"

by Emma1982 October 24, 2006

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World of Warcraft

A game played by complete nerds ranging from the age of 9 to 40. It takes up about 12 hours of their day, and if they had spent that time working, they could finance a small house.

Ex: "Hey Johnny, want to come play baseball instead of World of Warcraft?"

"No, I'm in a 40 man raid."

by TheGianni February 28, 2009

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World of Warcraft

alternative to house wives, guitars, cars, rockstarism, methamphetimine, talk, waffles, cannibalism, rotten.com, reallife crowdcontrol, seritonin, the simpsons, sex, and the sun.

Jossef: Im not sure Johnathan, world of warcraft makes me more horney than my wife and the girls there can resist taking off there cloths for me

Jossef: it was like everything I have done in my life led to this all inspiring hammer of wrath on this lvl 80 rogue that tried me

by eradic the pure June 4, 2010

World of Warcraft

A game for people who do not have much excitement in their live and for people who struggle to make friends. But people do play this game for fun.

Struggler: Plays because they have a hard to time to meet people and play the game up to 16 hours a day of World of Warcraft

Casual: Plays the game with a friend from real life and enjoys to play for an hour or two a day or a day a week and enjoy to play this game as a solo player game.

by caleb.sefton February 9, 2013

World Of Warcraft

A game where you run around this imaginary world and you eat roasts

Guy 1: Man, I cannot wait to get home and hop on World of warcraft, these daily roasts are delicious.
Guy 2: Yeah, I hear you.. I think I need to quit WoW, but the roast game is ridiculous.
Guy 1: yee
Guy 2: yeeeeeeeeeeeee

by T_Stunna July 21, 2013