A "Camo-Escobar" is a Man who is always willing to give his all to everyone else leaving him with nothing in the end. He's been through alot of things in his life that despite his age made him mature and wiser than most. He's talented in multiple different ways. And is an all around package when it comes to being in a relationship. He love to make people laugh and smile and absolutely hates drama of all kinds.
A Camo-Escobar walked past me earlier today.
I respect a Camo-Escobar.
Damn he's a Camo-Escobar.
Another word for the Mossy Oak pattern camoflauge.
"I want some of that tree camo! What's that stuff called?'
A airsofter who wears camo everything all the tine he also likes wolves a bit to much
Hey cpt camo get the fuck over here
A ultimate source of power and comfort, looks pretty cool too.
Person A: "Hey, look at Person C, their looking pretty cool."
Person B: "They look awesome!"
Person C: *Is wearing a camo hoodie.* "I AM ALL POWERFUL!"
Glorifying or supporting veterans to disguise the bad things you've done
Dow Chemical camo washes their history of Agent Orange by putting the names of veterans on their NASCAR team car.
Wearing all black. Perfect camouflage for any metal occasion.
I hope we don’t wear matching outfits you brat! Well, I’ll be wearing concert-camo.