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Sam Chaser

Someone who would literally do anything for Sam, Anything just to be as close to him as possible, like a relationship but unstated.

Thomas is a Sam chaser.

by Yaayaayeet April 11, 2019

chaser jigger

double shot glass combining liquor and chaser. They magically stay seperated until taken. Mr. Jack Daniels made these popular.

The jagar and red bull went down smooth using the chaser jigger

by Daniel IV December 4, 2007

Chicken Chaser

A moped, usualy around 50cc. or less. So low powered in fact that it is only good for chasing chickens

"As kids we couldn't afford real motorbikes, so we would ride around the back fields on Chicken Chasers."

by Major. P. Ness May 26, 2007

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Ambulance Chaser

A mental disease infecting lawyers, attorneys and others in the legal profession. Symptoms to be on the watch for include:

1) Hurrying to disaster sites to offer legal assistance, and:

2) Advertising heavily on television commercials, often using self-degrading nicknames such as "The Strong Arm".

Dang, look at "The Strong Arm" making a fool out of himself.What a Ambulance Chaser.

by Piranha August 29, 2006

339๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

trans chaser

A person (usually cis) who is sexually attracted to trans people, usually in an exoticizing way.

Today i got four superlikes on tinder and they were all gross trans chasers.

by steelydad December 27, 2017

116๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

cougar chaser

A young man, usually in his early twenties, who actively pursues single women in their upper thirties or forties. The cougar chaser is unlike the cougar prey in that he chooses to engage these more refined older ladies and may even bring them back to his place, avoiding the cougar den altogether.

You cougar chaser you!

by rmsw March 26, 2010

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milk chaser

To Have a sip of milk after taking a shot of hard alcohol. For example with bourbon, ...sounds weird but tastes great. The milk soothes the burn of bourbon, while the bourbon brings out the sweetness of the milk. Almost tastes like caramel.

Person 1: Eww I don't want to chase my bourbon with milk.
Person 2: Stop being a pussy, it's not like you could get that shot down any other way! Go on take a milk chaser.
Person 1: OK, I guess...heard it might taste like caramel.

by malkovitch9 August 17, 2011

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