An acronym for Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically For Engagement. Was an Act passed by the US Congress May/June 2017 to make presidential tweets part of the presidential national archive.
The Bill was introduced by US Rep. Mike Quigley, a Democrat from Illinois.
Because of COVFEFE I can no longer delete my tweets.
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From the Donald Trump Fabled Dictonary and Vocabulary Collection which joins such words as Yuge, Bigly, Braggidocious, and Dialectical. They're words. Believe me. Nobody knows words like Donald Trump knows words.
Paraphrased from a Reagan quote during Donald Trump's Taxpayer First Budget Rollout : "Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, covfefe it. If it keeps moving, rovfefe it. And if it stops moving, subsovfefe it."
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A frothy mixture of Russian hooker pee and fecal matter as an occasional byproduct of anal sex.
Covfefe does not stain your sheets like santorum and it's organic.
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A word used to end a tweet that should never have been started.
"Despite the constant negative press covfefe"
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Famous presidential variant of the word "coverage", not to be confused with the earlier "Aqenbpuu".
Despite the constant negative press covfefe.
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-To make a simple easily explained mistake, but lie and say you meant it in a childish attempt to look like you are in control, thus digging a bigger hole than the mistake would ever have made if left alone.
the manchild who acts like a spoilt 9 year old constantly seeking approval to feed his delusions of grandoise ("look daddy, i can fire people!") Donald Trump made a typo on twitter (the birth of covfefe), followed by his press secretary (with the mind of a silly 6 year old trying to avoid the naughty step) rapidly covfefe'ing the situation by saying they knew what he meant and it was intentional, thus making all parties involved in covfefegate look like gormless windowlicking flids with circus music looping in their heads.
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A phrase meaning "Aw fuck it! They're right. I am the most ignorant and despicable person to ever be elected President."
On the last day of May, 2017, Donald Trump began a tweet that would include numerous outright lies, misstatements & ignorance. Half way through, he realized he could no longer deny his inner self and uttered "Covfefe".
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