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Fertile Baby Barbecue Sauce

A barbecue sauce that has many varieties such as;
1.Fertile baby
3.Rectum Juice
4.Vagina Juice
5.Male testicle Juice
6.Bull Rectum Juice.

The core ingredient of the sauce is rectum juices that is acquired in a safe and human way.

It is a very delicious sauce that i recommend to everyone.

C- "You know what would go really awesome with this steak?"

J- "No dude, what?"

C- "Fertile Baby Barbecue Sauce, yo!"

J- "WTF, you sick bastard."

by Big Booty Cutie March 16, 2011

fertile ground

Ejaculating into the dirt or rocks while hiking or camping.

I took Jessica up to the cascades and got fertile ground after a hike.

by Trophy boi January 20, 2024

fertilized butter

Either when you find something greasy, slimy, or buttery on the ground, covered in dust and dirt. Or when you slip for a far distance or a long time continuously.

"That kid over there just slipped on fertilized butter!"

by Quinsar_73 April 29, 2016

Fertility train

A group of 5 or more guys switch off having unprotected sex with a girl then try to find out who’s the father.

Shit man we all got drunk and and ran the fertility train through Heather.

by Life76 May 9, 2022