Source Code

friendly giant

Someone who towers over crowds and appears intimidating but is actually a kind-hearted gentle person.

"Wow. Did you hear about Matthew?"
"Yeah, How he likes intimidating people because of his height during new student introductions."
"It's actually kind of humorous. How he appears to be tough as nails but once he is actually spoken to, he is actually a nice person to speak to."
"A friendly giant, he does not appear to be. A popular misconception I assure you"

by A Rare Canadian January 22, 2016

They Might Be Giants

A band, the likes of which have never been seen, that continues to rock you through the night and sends you into a coma that lasts until sometime next week.

Ana Ng, Spider, Minimum Wage, NO!, etc.

by John October 4, 2003

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Giant Gaystacks

Giant Gaystacks: Offensive term for a big (fat or muscular) butch looking guy who wouldn't at first appear to be gay. Until he walked, talked or munched someones wand!

1). A Giant Gaystack would probably look quite butch but walk with a gay bum wiggle and camp posterior!

2). An exceptionally well built Muscle Mary!

Imagine Giant Haystacks if he was a pillow biter!

Man, look at the fat hommebag, he is such a Giant Gaystacks!

I bet he lets other men bite off his Dingleberries!

by Slamming Rum Joseph August 15, 2005

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Turd Giant

Those who are around 6-7 feet tall, who go into public restrooms and proceed to use their height in order to look over the top of the stall at someone inside.

I was sitting in the stall in a bathroom the other day and a turd giant looked over the wall.

by Malkon April 25, 2004

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Giant Tiger

When you pounce on your unsuspecting girlfriend and shove that massive cock between her legs to give her the ride of her life.

Courtney was asleep so I gave her The Giant Tiger.

by Giant Tiger January 12, 2009

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giant circle

a mistical giant circle where 4 or more men like to have sex

Hey Trevor, wanna go join the giant circle?
No man, I'm still gimpy from last week...the little fairy boy really got me...

by Banana Hamik April 4, 2008

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Lane Giant

Word Play on the Lane Bryant brand, a clothing store for big girls--hence the mean spirited and completely hilarious "giant."

Sara: I just love Old Navy. Check out these Daisy Dukes, how cute!

Bertha: None of this crap fits me, let's go to Lane Giant so I can buy a sheet to wear to the wedding and then we can go to Cinnabon.

by senorslow April 3, 2007

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