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Usually teenage or early twenties. People who listen to rock music and wear alternative clothing.

Nirvana are a grunge band.

by Jade April 17, 2004

60๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


Those who listen to alternate rock, and do not dress to please other, and do not follow fashions like sheep

Alice In Cahins (grunge band)
Kut Cobain (grunge singer)

by Sky February 1, 2004

108๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


A label given to people dressing a certain way, by themselves or others- Depending on which party is that of the small minded bigots handing out sticking genres on everyone they come across. It is an easy way to determine who is a good or crap person simply by what they wear. Doesn't that save the unnessessary time taken to get to know a person??
This goes exactly the same for those who lable another group 'townies'.
What is the point?
I doubt this will change the mind of anyone set in their narrow minded ways but it's better than the influence some of these predjudice definitions could cause.
And we thought the apartheid was over.

"woooh i'm a grunger, grunger's are the best"

"no, i'm a townie, townies are the best."

"fuck off you stereotypical wankers. I'm a person. Do you have a problem with this too?"

by Ms Myself December 15, 2003

48๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


Great people. Steven Amos should give up insulting them arsehole.

You what grunger?

by Wall Boi September 24, 2003

53๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


The mortal enemy of the Scobe. Like the scobe, can generally be seen wearing a hoody. Except that instead of Nike, Addidas or some stupid rapper, it will advertise Kurt Cobain, or some metal band. Generally wearing baggy pants and long hair that always needs a wash, they do share one interest with the scobe. Hash.

Most grungers become grungers because they claim to not wish to conform to trends. However, in doing so the grungers themselves have become conformists. The only basic difference is the type of music they listen to.

The grungers were hanging around asking for skins.

by Snake January 10, 2006

35๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


Oh my god. You english pricks are so fucking stupid. Grunge isn't a trend. It's a way of life. Grunge isn't Smashing Pumpkins, Foo Fighters, Creed etc. its Malfunkshun, Mono Men, Love Battery, Green River, Temple Of The Dog, TAD, Mother Love Bone, The Melvins, Mudhoney, Screaming Trees, Skin Yard, Alice In Chains, etc.

Nirvana and Pearl Jam aren't exactly Grunge, people just confused them for being grunge cause they were in the Seattle area. They didn't even like being called grunge. (according to Wikipedia)

The only Nirvana songs that can be considered Grunge were their hits "You Know You're Right", "About a Girl" and "Heart-Shaped Box"..."Smells Like Teen Spirit" would classify as Hard Rock. Not Grunge...

Also...Grunge isn't dead. There are still many Grunge bands in the Seattle area, they're just not well known enough to even get a record deal...

And "Grungers" don't wear trashy clothes. They wear whatever the hell they can afford. Stop trying to make Grunge a trend.

English people don't know what the hell a "Grunger" actually is.

by a person who knows his shit June 17, 2006

52๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who dress in dark clothing and listen to decent music not like that townie crap that sound like it was made in a toilet!!!

People like me

by MIll BOI February 13, 2004

73๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž