they did something but they dont wanna say it, being scarcastic or
did something secretive
“you didnt do that did you?”
“hehe,no if course not”
Hehe (Hee hee)-Verb.
Is used to convey emotions such as happiness, excitement or shock. It originates from famous pop singer Micheal Jackson and was devised in the late 1980's, but was not fully recognised in its potential until early 2019 when it suddenly resurfaced and has become common language in the town of Whitstable (Kent)
For example: "Hehe!"
The man heheed
I heheed in the library
A word used by primarily women and feminine men, used to describe a small or quiet laugh.
1: "Hey Chris, how was school?"
2. "hehe"
A word used in a group chat by bailey because she is a mean ugly Hoe