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lego yoda

A CBT and ketamine addicted frog. also drifted a 1999 toyota corrolla into a daycare playround killing 17 and injuring 29

yo i lego yoda'd the school down the street

by fetus yeeter February 6, 2021

Lego game

A term typically used to describe the platform "Roblox" due to its lego-like qualities.

Are you guys causing drama about a lego game again?

by Commieblocks April 25, 2021

Lego Yoda

A lego in a video game that has a weird ass death sound

Lego Yoda: ewegheh

by Dubiks April 18, 2019

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Lego Officer

A roblox police officer who is really bad at what they do.

That Lego Officer is a noob

by aviajames April 8, 2019

Lego Eda

The god of the boiling isles doing the default dance.

Yo lego eda is my fav meme of 2021 (Ur welcome Garnet107)

by AmityOhCramity July 12, 2021

LEGO ninjago

A show in another universe featuring ninjas saving the world

Bob: I want to be a LEGO NINJAGO ninja when I grow up

Mom: first u get a PhD

by LightupSketchers September 30, 2020

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lego nigger

a dane, someone from denmark

Mark: Hey do you know Klaus? He's from Denmark.
Jared: Yeah, I know that fucking lego nigger.

by kunkero November 19, 2017