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Kosher Meat

A "friendly" way to refer to a jewish person who is a member of the opposite sex. Can be used for NJGs or NJBs.

Now that's some jewcy Kosher Meat!

by EricTheRed November 9, 2004

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keepin' it kosher

Living in and with integrity.

In relationships--making sure there is honesty and respect, one's rights and boundaries are being respected

In situations--making sure there is adherence to higher truth, and peace

Friend: "Hey girl, what's going on with your love life?"
Girl: " I'm minding my business, being in a relationship with myself, and keepin' it kosher."

by ronara December 4, 2019

Kosher Culture

The traditions and rituals held by the Jewish people

A bar mitzvah is one of the benefits a Jewish boy can have if he decides to get deep in his roots and discover his Kosher Culture

by EmJayee September 30, 2017

Kosher Style

When something or someone is not *technically* Jewish, but might as well be due to LITERALLY everything about them, including looks and mannerisms.

Like delis, George Costanza, and most hot moms under 5'8, for example.

Milo: Hey you want to do brunch this Saturday, I am macking hard on this new chick, Veronica, she will be there with friends.

Noah: Isn't she Jewish, does she go out Saturday?

Milo: Nah, she is just kosher style, she looks Jewish because she dyes her hair red, is 5'2, and still talks about her slutty semester abroad in 2004.

Noah: Cool, let's get some bacon, brosef.

by Mike109999 January 27, 2022

kosher sausage

A Jewish man's penis

He has a huge kosher sausage

by EatMyKnob May 16, 2016

Glasgow Kosher

Slaughtering animals after kosher/halal procedures by headbutting them.

Oy, Brian, it's the only kosher was to get a steak these days. Just smash yer skull against it. That's a Glasgow Kosher for yer.

by disguys June 28, 2011

Kosher Mocha

A half Jewish, half Black baby.

Idina and Taye's baby is a Kosher Mocha.

by Raisel Adena August 13, 2009