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The act of a man taking long shits just to play on his phone while his significant other debates contacting a rescue team.
Significant other: Babe, are you ok? You’ve been in there for 45 min! Are you Marathon Pooping?!
Man: It’s still coming! (Continues to play Mario Kart on his phone)
When ejaculate bursts from a person and lands upon the interior surface of ones athletic shoe or sneaker.
Ryan went to put on his shoes and realized he had been a victim of a Sloppy Marathon.
A all day event from sun rise to sunrise or 6 am to 6 am. all day drinking.if u dont make it to ten pm ur a pussy. you must drink alcohol non stop, all day for college students only twice every year once in november and then july.
hey tmmrw marathon thursday im gonna get shit face
naw man its a marathon not a sprint
When a female plugs her vagina with a large fruit such as a cantelope or watermelon and proceeds to run for 26 miles.
I heard Nala participates in the Alabama marathon every year, i bet fucking her is like throwing a dart down a hallway.
Marathon Week usually takes place during the last week of May, and during marathon week all liquids must contain alcohol. You start drinking once you wake up on the last Monday of May and you cannot drink anything but liquids containing alcohol until the last day of May (unless you have to due to a medical emergency).
You cannot drink ANYTHING that does not have alcohol in it AT ALL! YOU MUST DRINK ALCOHOL TO BE PART OF MARATHON WEEK!
Be warned Marathon Week is not for the weak of liver.
In speedrunning marathons, the propensity for things to go unusually wrong.
Speed runner: “Okay, this boss has a 1/64 chance to kill me instantly.”
Boss kills them instantly
Speed runner: “Good thing I made that safety save in case of marathon luck!”