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Zuck verb
Zuck definition
Zuck: A web site that only requires minimal information to join.

Register in a clandestine manner to protect personal information.

Browse or register on a website stealthily to protect yourself from hackers.

Requiring minimal information.

“That site is zuck, they don’t ask for personal information.”

Zucking: Joining or browsing a web site without revealing your personal information details.

“I was zucking around on the site to see what it was about before joining.

Zucked: Joined a web site and did not reveal personal information.

Provided minimal information.

“I zucked their site using a fake birthdate and street address.”

Zucker: Person who join web sites without divulging personal information.

“That site is zuck, they don’t ask for personal information.”

by zuckmark.com January 17, 2021


* zuck, Pronounced /zək/
* zuck definition, 1. Requiring minimal information. 2. Revealing minimal information. 3. To register in a clandestine manner to protect personal information. 4. Browse or register on a website stealthily to protect yourself from hackers.

* zuck used in a sentence, “That site is zuck, they don’t ask for personal information.”
* Zucking, 1. Joining a club, organization or browsing a web site without revealing your personal information details.
* zucking used in a sentence, “I was zucking around on the site to see what it was about before joining.
* Zucked 1. Provided minimal information. 2. Joined a website, group, club, company, etc. and did not reveal personal information.

* zucked used in a sentence, “I zucked their site using a fake birthdate and street address.”
* Zucker, 1. Person who joins, websites, groups, clubs, companys, etc. divulging minimal personal information.
* zucker used in a sentence, "He is a zucker, that club will ever find out his birth date."

That site is zuck, they don’t ask for personal information.

by zuckmark.com January 18, 2021


1. verb. to have one's shared content removed by Facebook.

Example: Dude, the YouTube video you shared was *zucked* before I got a chance to view it.

by fuckoffimnottellingyoumyname March 13, 2022


Screwing over sombody.

Get Zucked Whoah Whoooaahh hold up ring ding ting ting ding dongs my da ding

by INS746 October 9, 2021



1. The act of adding spyware and invasive analytics into a digital platform for the purpose of monetization or research.

WhatsApp was once a messaging app celebrated for its respect for user privacy. But the platform was quickly zucked after Facebook purchased it.

by gitar October 29, 2021


A person who gathers information, to snitch or state about another person or a group of people.
A snitch or informant

Word started in the spring 2020
By two New Yorker's and A Nigerian

Mark Zuckerberg - court case in 2018 - Gathering peoples information and selling it.

This man is a Zuck he told Lisa for I cheated on her.
Don't trust that zuck he will snitch on you!

by sLyyyyyy,Peter Paris, Gabe April 26, 2020


A combination of Zscaler and Sucks, to represent when something sucks as much or more than Zscaler does. In this world where security is paramount and you can't live without internet you should know what is good and what is bad and only use the good stuff to protect you.

- Oh man, TikTok isn't working - that zucks!

- That salesmen should be less arrogant and zuck less.

- It zucks when somebody lies to you!

by xohex March 14, 2024