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Noam The alpha

Noam , A sex machine with a gigantic dick that will destroy anyone. His gigantic dick and sexy looks will make anyone fall in love in an instant. Having his perfect body the girls will swarm around him like in a bee hive. God touched him.

Noam The alpha

by Gustav123 November 21, 2021

Try-hard Alpha wannabe

An unconfident male who wants to be seen to be an Alpha male but lacks the qualities of a true Alpha. They act out traits they believe an alpha would do, but lack insight, for instance an Alpha would never call themselves one or behave in the way a wannabe alpha would. They are Toxic males that are lacking in any class. Real Alphas are usually successful and have high paying jobs, natural leaders and command respect, but have personal insight. The biggest difference is a man with genuine alpha traits respects other people's personal boundaries. A rum wannabe doesn't know where they end and the other person begins. Wannabes are usually low down in the working class demographic and think being a Man is about simply competing with other males for societal hierarchy which results in annoying the sh*t out of their peers. Alphas can be likeable, wannabes are never liked by anybody and have few if any real friends. Wannabes are tormented souls who need pity not respect.

"Tim is such a Try-hard alpha wannabe, he's throwing his toys out because I could bench press more than him, now he's not speaking to me"

by Melloj1 October 6, 2022

Dirty Alpha

When you’re the leader of Hell and put your cock in at t1 and it comes out at tX. The biggest most dominate cock of them all.

That dirty alpha had me in a wheelchair for days. He farmed all my rss and took my stam.

by BeasTea August 28, 2020

alpha leen

The scariest and most ferocious alpha leader in existence. She is feared by all but her omega/alpha named lyra. Don't touch her tail or ears or she will gobble you up!

"No way!! That's alpha leen!"

by xLyrqz1 September 25, 2023

alpha unicorn

An alpha unicorn is a non-

binary, fearless leader of a group.

It can gentle and protective of its kindred and fearsome to its adversaries.

It can also have the ability to fly by farting magical sparkle dust for propulsion and it’s horn makes a great fit in any genders orafices.

Oh wow! Cindy. That alpha unicorn horn was magic last night. The alpha unicorn farted and I rode its face into outer space.

by Fred Thirst August 1, 2021

Alpha Theta Gamma

A group of delinquent fuck boys, who value pussy more than morals. They cherish getting laid more than getting paid. They would rather blame women around them than take responsibility for their own actions. Although if they like you, you’re safe. If they don't, you’re shunned because of their own portentous ignorance. Save yourself and show them how the game is played.

Hey! Did you hear that Julie got fucked by Alpha Theta Gamma!?

Nah man! She asked for it!

by GoldFlake69 November 30, 2023

Gen z alpha

Almost gen alpha but almost gen z.
People born in early 2013 to mid 2013
Posses gen z and gen alpha traits. Not very cringe… most 10 ye olds fall into this category

Idk what to put here
Gen z alpha

by EnderSand December 29, 2023