Martin comes from the Latin name "Martinus" which was the God of war, Martin is usually a tall handsome guy, Smartest one in the room. Might be a little cocky but ladies love him.
I have a proplem and i don't know what I should do.
Wait, let me call Martin for you.
The typical German man likes to pretend he is a “nazi”, he tends to trip over his own feet on a daily and some how land on a dick not too sure why.
Alfie : Ohh shit is that Martin tripping over some stairs
Fin: what a classic faggot
Martin is frickin good at chemistry.
Martin is very handsome too
Sad f*cking bitch crying over every shit possible.
Buying expensive hygienic products for no fucking reason. Used to be so fucking fat now is only big. His pp is like worm I sucked last Tuesday.
Look at this poor boy , he really is Martin.
Professional Slovenian Canoe Slalom Athlete, a car enthusiast, and a friend of Ria.
Martin is the best kayaker in the world!