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pretty but will also be the pettiest bitch alive. sometimes unknowingly starts loads of drama, and often times they are either so spoiled it makes them naive, or they act like victims of crimes no one committed.

“bro Sophie told everyone that I cheated on Lola but I haven’t talked to her since the 6th grade!”

by bellebonne September 13, 2018


Best pop artist ever…. Invented pop and hyper pop, amazing artist, great person, we love Sophie

Person 1: I love SOPHIE.
Person 2: ME too Rest In Power SOPHIE.

by Arcafan29 June 23, 2022


massive boobs, pretty cool

Sophie is pretty cool

by filteredwater March 26, 2024


A bitch asmelly emo hoe who is stinky and is a fat poo!!!

Sophie is a cunt who wants all the attention on herself when in fact she is the most pitiful person in the world

"I fucking hate Sophie."
"No one likes Sophie"

by Sophie hate club March 22, 2022

2👍 2👎


Sophie is an awesome girl who isn't afraid to stand up to jerks, bullies, or anyone who hurts the people she loves. Extremely intelligent and drop-dead gorgeous. If she was a Greek goddess, she'd be Athena or Aphrodite. She knows Latin and has known why the iron symbol on the Periodic Table of Elements is F since before 8th grade. By the way, the Latin word for iron is Ferrum. That's why iron is F. Anyway if Sophie says she has a crush on you, guys pay attention, she's a keeper.

Chesley: "Sophie, Joe just dumped me."
Sophie: "Where does he live. I'm going to beat him up."

by dewmilk November 3, 2018


A person that is cute and that's facts

Boy 1 : did you see sophie

Boy 2 : yeah she hella cute and that's facts

by Nocappa27 December 22, 2019


bae, love her sophie j equals my bae

woah sophie j lookin fit today

by noice eeky March 20, 2023