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Pee Pod

A urinal

Wait up! I gotta hit up a pee pod!!

by Smafdaddy March 2, 2016


A kinetic energy device that spins when urinated on - created to make peeing more enjoyable. A pee-whirly looks like a pinwheel or propeller.

Did you see the pee-whirly in that urinal? It lit up like a christmas tree and played music when I peed on it.

by tbagusmaximus July 15, 2010

Pee Cupboard

The cupboard of which I used as a personal training potty for the last 5 years. For reference, I am a middle aged man living on his own living off of my own eyelashes and toe nails

I just crapped my pants in the Pee Cupboard

by Blackman (black super hero) July 7, 2023


A play on words with Europeans and peeing - if you don't get it say it out loud.

The Europeans are Euro-peeing their pants about the newest episode of Doctor Who on tumblr; it must be good!


American Friend - I can't wait to go on this new roller coaster!
European Friend - I'm not so sure; it looks scary.
American Friend - Oh, quit Euro-peeing yourself and let's just get on line already.
European Friend - Ok.

by Contributerrr May 20, 2013

pee showdown

when you are in a public bathroom stall and someone is in the stall next to you and you both have to pee, but you are both afraid of the judgement you might receive if you start first.

Girl: hey, i'm in the bathroom, i'm gonna be late for class but i'm having a pee showdown with the girl next to me

by just trying to educate america March 8, 2012

Pee Dilly

What a penis is called when being implanted on a person without a penis

Hi, im james, we are at riley’s hospital for children, today i will be getting a phalidiloplasty, otherwise known as a pee dilly implant

by Funnyclock301956 June 9, 2019

Pee Cock

Peeing on your own penis sitting down because you are bricked up

Boy 1: Ew, why do you you smell so bad?
Boy 2: I got the Pee Cock
Boy 1: Pea cock? The bird?
Boy 2: No you nincompoop, PEE-COCK

by Gdbrbdiodje February 20, 2022