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Other wise known as wannabe. Someone who either A: tries to fit in and fails miserably. B: Someone who tries to be different and fails miserably. C: Someone who does both and fails miserably. This is the typically poser.

Type One (The Faux Gansta)

Sags his jeans incredibly low.

Brags about how many "bitches" he has fucked.
Talks about how gansta he is although the only rap the poser guys listen to is lil wayne.

Cusses 7 times in one sentence

Completely disrespects everyone around him OR kisses everyone's ass as a desperate attempt to get people to like him
Makes up stories about getting high and fighting
Lives in a suburb or high class neighborhood but talks about how tough it is
Type 2 (Emo Poser):
Talks about how tough life is
Claims to write poetry and deep music but really doesn't

Has tons of eyeliner and/or eyeshadow

Talks about "haters" constantly
Gets into fights on facebook constantly
Is a self-proclaimed tomboy, emo, skater girl when she is in fact a girly-girl
Talks about how hard life is after their boyfriend of 1 day breaks up with them
Has a Failed Scene Haircut
Wears gobs of makeup
Is obsessed with the most popular music at the time

Well those are the basics. For a perfect example of a girl poser look up jessi slaughter.

*Non-poser Signs In On IM*

EMOhottie651: I'm relly depressed. Lyke my mom wouldn't let me have the new CD, OMG, what a bitch!

NonPoser: Well for one emos would never say that they are emo and you are not depressed just having a whiny temper tantrum. GTFO.

by Courtney678 July 9, 2011

Life's Poser

"Life´s Poser" is a term proposed by the acclaimed writer Odranreb Aìugurm in 1349 with his book "Zoology of modern society". This term refers to people who are Posers but from all of the things that constitute life.

My best friend´s ex-girlfriend is a life's poser, she always wants attention.

by Odranreb Aíugrum April 11, 2021

Vim poser

A person who uses the text editor Vim extensively, especially in public and social spaces, with the implicit goal of signaling one´s technical acuity and/or alignment with free and open-source philosophy.

A: Jona uses Vim all the time too but he´s not making use of even the most basic keybindings.
B: Man this guy is such a vim poser...

by metaironicshitpostings July 11, 2022