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Tony Danza

a winner on the dance floor and has great vocal styles. can party with young and old because he is timeless.

candice: hold me closer.....

Ashton: who.........

Candice:Tony Danza

by munkypooontheloo May 11, 2010

141๐Ÿ‘ 279๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tony the tiger

When something is great, or awesome.
It's Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat

Guy1: Man, did you see that goal?
Guy2: yeah it was totaly tony the tiger.

by Drewwbs February 18, 2012

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Phony Tony

Slur directed at former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, on the grounds of his contrived media image and exposรฉs on his misleading of the public, such as over the presence of WMDs in Iraq.

How will I explain to my children that we were led on by Phony Tony?

by falsetokaiba April 9, 2019

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Toni Joke

A terrible quality joke usually made by Tonioki.

Toni Joke - "whats the difference between snow men and snow women? Snow balls Keepo"

by Stranger129 October 25, 2016

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Tony Blair

Sellout lackey motherfucker

All punk rockers who use the internet are Tony Blairs.

by Dan November 26, 2003

65๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž

Talking Tony

To be talking utter bullshit. Derived from the phrase 'Talking Gus, which has the same meaning. For example, if someone said they were recovering from a angoverfrom the 150 shots of whiskeythey drank last night, they would be Talking Tony.

A: I'm going to have a huge party where everyone will have a crate of beer each and The Darkness will play on my roof, which is actually sloped!
B: Sod off, you're Talking Tony.

by Jamie Freeman3 March 19, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lil' Tony

short for 'Pretty Tony'or 'Tony Montana', used as Southern Slang for a pretty boy, pimp or hustler (drug dealer)

Look at 'Lil'Tony' making all of the moves.

by J. Woody September 25, 2003

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