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High six

When you high five an inbred (i.e. shagging members of your family) with six fingers.

"He's got six fingers mate!! Give him a high six because a high five is not enough"

"I hear you're from Eton Wick, here have a High Six mate"

by uksingh December 30, 2019

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Wheatland high

A shit school in the middle of fucking no where. It's a school of wannabe hoodlums that wouldn't make it for real, pot heads, hicks, and a couple of everything else. Avoid this shit hole like the plague

Fuck dude just imagine actually sending your kids to wheatland high.

by I want to end my life December 17, 2018

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High School

The biggest waste of time ever.

"I agreed with my dad that I would finish High School, but only so he didn't end up in jail for my truency. I had a lifelong dream of becoming a famous dancer, but while I was keeping my father's ass out of a sling, I broke my leg and can no longer dance. Now I'm just a stripper because I fell into a deep depression and couldn't focus in school."

by Sasha. Is. Awesome. March 21, 2009

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High Schoolers

High Schoolers: Teens who attend high school. Only it's more than that. High Schoolers have gone through the growing up of elementary school, the awkwardness of middle school, and are now pathfinding in high school. This shit's hard. Not a single kid has everything figured out. High school is the time for kids to discover themselves. Sometimes this means they will drink, smoke, wake up hungover, stay out until 2 am, hook up with people who they have no future with, and so fucking much more. But you can't blame them. They are just trying to figure out what their point is on this hell hole, what to stay away from, and what to keep doing. They will be depressed. Because hormones. You will see these teens falling in love with people who you would never expect to see them with. Don't fuck with them about it. They know what they're doing and love is inexplainable. If you sat down for just a second to remember your high school years, you'd soon realize you had the same rebellious feelings that High Schoolers do. Just let them live their lives. Let them make the most of it. Because you're only young for so long. Now is the time to learn.

"Stupid High Schoolers throwing that party next door! They should be studying hard."
"Yeah but you were that dumb once too, right?"

by obawsome November 28, 2017

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High School

A place that isn't as bad as it sounds. As long as you have a good group of real friends, and get decent grades in your classes, you should live, and come out unscarred. Have fun, but remember these crucial rules:

1. if you get a boyfriend/girlfriend make sure you don't cheat on them, and if you date someone who is lower on the 'food chain' then you, so what? as long as you actually like them it doesn't matter. if anybody says anything, just shrug and say "whatever" it'll show that your not a sheep who will be influenced by them, and that you do what you want, which is something they will look up to, and they will respect you for it.

2. Make sure you have a good group of friends, don't pick people based on how they look, how popular they are or anything, base it on the important things you based it on when you were young; do you have fun with them? do you actually like this person? can you trust them? will they help you solve your problems if you have them?

3. don't be fake - many people will be nice to your face, but then behind your back they will say horrible things, don't be one of them, because it will get back to whoever you talk about, and they will be angry, don't act like a person's friend basically, be honest, if they think your mean, just say 'Im not mean, im honest.' at least your not a lying two faced bitch that way, just an honest person.

4. dont lie about anything important. if your teacher asks you where is your homework, go ahead and say 'i left it at home' thats not too important, and you can quickly do it later that night and hand it in the next day. But if somebody asks you to find out if theyre crush likes them back, and you find out they don't like them back, don't tell the person they do. Thats just mean. youd rather be labeled as honest remember?:P

5. Populars will be populars, dorks will be dorks, you will be you. Populars will always be invited to all the parties, and be well known in the school, dorks will never be invited to any parties and half of them will be majorly picked on, while the others hardly anybody knows they exist. You, whoever you are, will always be you, don't change that, because someone will always see through it, and know your just a poser, and thats lame - be yourself, its the best choice, and you'll find your real friends, and be much happier with yourself.

As long as you follow these rules, you will live.

Many people complain that high school was awful, probably because they did not listen to any of these rules. Some of the dorks are so desperate to be popular they don't enjoy high school. If they just accepted who they wree and din't try to change, they'd enjoy high school. Populars on the other hand, will almost always enjoy high school, unless they were a poser. In betweens, aka the people who aren't dorks, but aren't mega popular either, almost always follow these rules, and come out fine.

by Tirbo May 30, 2009

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high as hell

Very very fucked up from smoking alot of chronic cannibus through a bong.

"Man, I high as hell up in this mutha-fucka.

by Diego August 30, 2003

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When something's funny just because you're high.

"Eat shit. Bagel bit. Eat that bagel lick that clit"


by Daniel "the human skidmark" September 21, 2008

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