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soggy pickle

When the toilet runneth over and your dick dips in , also known as dickle dip

I didn't realize the toilet water was so high, my dick and balls dipped and I was stuck with a soggy pickle.

by kbulls708 June 18, 2022

soggy watermelon

When a watermelon has too much water in it.

I left my watermelon out in the rain, now I have a soggy watermelon.

by AngelsSaints20 October 10, 2020

Soggy purse

A wet looose deep cave of a vagina

Tried to leave. She trapped me in her soggy purse.. and now she's pregnant... again..

by Soggy purse September 24, 2017

Soggy cereal

Smoking the last bit of a bowl

U: I'm smoking the end of the bowl
B: ew, the soggy cereal?

by Babyvideo February 21, 2017

soggy cereals

Act of eating cereals from the anal cavity of an other person.

- Dude, I'd eat soggy cereals all day long with that milf.
- What's that ?
- Go see soggycereals.com and enjoy.

by teddybrown September 30, 2017

soggy paper towel

An acceptable insult for the type of person to tea-bag after every kill, then rage quit the first time they die.

Man that last bastard we killed was a real soggy paper towel.

by Muuur dar June 9, 2019

soggy pretzel

When she sucks on your dick for so long that it just goes limp and then it's all wet and just kinda hanging around

"Ah shit, my dick went soggy pretzel on me.... My bad..."

by peteypablocaso March 1, 2017