On march 28 you go to aprils instagram and watch her live
A type of film, show, or video that is bad or just mediocre to subpar
John was talking to joey about how the new Space Jam movie is Not worth watching
When a couple watches a show together, and neither of the parts are allowed to watch the show when they're not together. They watch the show together. They are couple watching.
Person 1: "Oh, have you watched Euphoria?"
Person 2: "Yes! I'm couple watching it with my boyfriend"
An extremely common phrase used by civilian NPCs in the PlayStation game "Lego Marvel Super Heroes." The phrase refers to a situation where you've bumped into a civilian, and that civilian will say something random to portray distress.
Since the entire phrase is spoken so quickly, it is better to quote it without a comma to indicate the sheer comical NPC nature of the statement.
Me (Player): Transforms into Venom-Hulk and runs into a civilian.
Civilian: Watch it buddy!
On december 4 you can force @ reploidfrom21XX to watch Betilla NSFW and he cant do nothing about it
Tonight will be the force Zero to watch Betilla's eyes day
In december 6th Zero is forced to watch +18 images of Betilla and he cant do nothing to avoid it
Today is force zero to watch betilla's eyes day
To be on 'snatch-watch' is to assume or be assigned the responsibility of notifying a friend that her vagina is showing because her dress (which she knew was risky, pre-going out) has risen up.
A girl emerges from a cab. A second turns her legs to step out. The first girl alerts the second of her exposed lady parts. Sometimes by yelling "snatch-watch"
Girl 1: That's super cute. You have to wear it!
Girl 2: Fine. But you're on snatch-watch tonight.