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freedom boner

when you get an erection from doing something epic or doing something that requires bad-mother-fucker-ness

zach and andrew were talking about basic training and after basic zach said he had a freedom boner

by mothafucka-jones March 21, 2012

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boner blooper

The phenomena of your penis accidentally falling out of your boxers through the front opening of your boxers.

I was walking around in my house when I noticed part of my penis felt cooler than the rest. Silly me, I didn't buy the boxers with the button in the front. I had a boner blooper.

by mmolloy41 September 19, 2010

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Negative Boner

The opposite of a boner. When you are really cold/turned off, your dong will scrunch up so tight that it gets stiff.

Turn on the heater, I'm getting a negative boner.

by Tomanton January 31, 2006

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girl boner

The female equivalent to a guy who is turned on sexually and has an erection.

Cassidy has been nursing a girl boner for her friend Regan's boyfriend Meredith.

by Babydoll75 March 5, 2019

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Boner Danica

A word used to express joy.

Jim: "Hey, I got a new flat screen tv!"
Your Response: "BONER DANICA!"

by Dedd Sex-E June 28, 2009

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An object or act of a person that totally unarouses a guy. Someone or something that kills the mood. Something that makes you anti-horny. cockblock buzzkill

Rad: Hey, check out these hot girls on the computer.

K-Dogg: **walks by with buttcrack showing**

Rad: Aw come on dude, you're a boner-be-gone.

by Raditude December 8, 2008

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Boner Vision

When a man is blinded by the fact he might be able to have sex with a girl and convinces himself she is hot when she is obviously not.

Tyler "How the hell did I ever think she was hot?"
Me "Don't blame yourself, blame boner vision."

by Kirk_ February 11, 2006

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