When you are talking to someone and you just tell them anything about them is random even if it isn't
Omg you're wearing a coat that's so random in winter
The random teenager mooed and ate the grass.
a random female who usually does not know her place
hey random stay in your lane
Random is when people talk about nothing that makes sense
Laughing in text by pressing letters randomly.
This is used when you actually laugh during the texting
- Hey! Wanna hear a joke?
+ yeah, sure
- *tells the joke*
+ assdfmsjdjdkskdjjd —> this is a random
1. Something that is strange and unknown
2. A stranger.
When Jeremy couldn't decide which ice cream flavor to choose, he had the cashier pick a random one.
Today a random mugged me!
Slang term for miscellaneous unrecognized acquaintances, especially in a party setting.
Yo, I can’t believe she got all those randoms to film a group TikTok dance with her
Hey, why are there so many randoms here?