Source Code


A label used to market and distinguish a piece of art (like music or visual art) created without the use of AI.

Person: Yo, B4RC0D3. Was your song “Robots” created using AI?
B4RC0D3: Nah, man. My song is AI-free

by B4RC0D3.wav May 3, 2023

Free country

If it was 1790 through the mid 1800s, a free country would mean free if you weren't Indian, black, or female, at least according to the history books (since nobody alive today was alive then to actually witness slavery firsthand). Its not 1790 to the mid 1800s now though.

For a free country, it gets expensive to live here. Free country sounds like bullshit.

by Solid Mantis August 2, 2020

The free mason

A sex position in which your legs together make the free mason sign: it’s like scissoring but patriotic

I got a parking ticket today, so I made it up to my country by doing the free mason with my wife

by That bottom bitch November 6, 2020

Free Cake

A term used to describe a poorly-skilled opposition, typically used in sport.

“Hey bro we play Longford on the weekend”
Ah yes, that’s free cake

by ryxnphxlan October 17, 2020

free jobs

Where you put your resume on the internet and instead of employers want you for the positions that are related in your skills/experience......you get marketing and/or insurance salesman positions that are based only on commission/sales you make that you work for free mainly in the beginning.

Hey my friend, I just got a "free jobs" from Aflac. They saw my resume and want me to work for free for them for the first few weeks or months until I make money for them.

by DoctorOfDictionary June 22, 2015


Using the left hand to clean oneself, also known as "free-wiping," is a traditional practice in some cultures, particularly in regions where water is the primary cleaning method. It is important to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water afterward to maintain hygiene.

There are potential benefits to this practice, such as reducing paper waste and costs and putting less strain on sewage treatment plants.

During the pandemic, my girlfriend and I ran out of toilet paper, so we had to resort to free-wiping. :(

by AkashicRecord April 19, 2023


a paramilitary citizen group of military (especially combat) veterans that, in time of social unrest or national crisis, is able to kick ass and resolve the problem

Germany's "Freikorps" (free-corps) during the Weimar Republic years (between World War I and World War II) was able to put down Marxist revolutionary movements, especially in the Bavarian Socialist Republic.

by Venster January 10, 2014