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a money-hungry game that you play if you are either 12 or 24. No matter what your age is, if you play fortnite, you are immature. no exceptions

hey wanna play fortnite?
How old are you again?

by Tuna Biscuit March 27, 2018

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A bullshit game. Always die. Never win. If you won a game then your a god. Mostly die from storm and it will make people life suck. This game can kill you.

BOY:I want to kill myself

Girl:Stop playing fortnite! It a bullshit game

by Only won Two games February 26, 2018

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The worst game you can play. It is really gay and everyone who plays it is a faggot.

Person 1: Fortnite is soooo good.
Person 2: No its not, your gay

by Zolton_The_Meme_Man October 31, 2018

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the #1 internet game but still not better than pewdiepie but wayyyyyyy better than apex legends


by bye bye bye bye bye bye March 27, 2019

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A trash game that virgins play when they don’t want a girlfriend anymore.

Hey boys I gonna play some fortnite bye Sara

by Karma’s December 29, 2020

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A game that only fags play

7 year old: Wanna play Fortnite?
Mature man: Don't you mean gaynite

by SMD Sloppy joe style March 26, 2018

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A very easy strategic planning game where only heartbroken lightskins and mixed people only ever win

"Bro how'd he do that in last night's fortnite game!!??" " idk but that one girl just rejected him for the third time yesterday!"

by Jovan Jackson February 14, 2018

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