A phrase used to express deep hate and or used as a means to express great disrespect in some Caribbean countries.
Go suck yo ma, you know me a who.
An international message to let it be and to grab a beer.
This phrase is used anywhere, anytime, in any situation, when you don't have the motivation to do something and you desire to drink a beer with a friend.
It's originally from Bavaria and can be translated into "Let's go home and drink a beer.
Person 1: "Ten minutes left until the lesson is over"
Person 2: "Blos mas ob"
Another way of saying the vulgar phrase: "suck my dick", whilst playing on the synonym for dick, "cock"
Damn Sandy, please sooc ma cooc
A greeting among Japanese and non-Japanese mountaineers in the Alps.
Shogo Dai Mas! Congratulations on climbing Mont Blanc!
Someone using the digits of their feet to perform acts to make themselves ejaculate
The woman was a double armed amputee and couldnt get laid so she had to rely on Mas-Toe-Bation to bust a fucking nut
To be out your face on drugs (usually ecstasy)
‘Aw mate a was oot ma shmack after a took that eccie on the weekend’
Nelly is also a very nasty girl. Like the rest we all love her like she’s the queen I guess ummmm y’all better go get ur selves a nelly or else go get a life .
Nelly ma bestiee I my best friend .