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the muffin man

he is 14 but 5 gay 5’8

fortnite user DaMuffinMan7256 the muffin man

by westonfuller fat April 4, 2020

Lesbian muffin

Gluten free, sugar free, taste free, certified organic, fresh fruit, non GMO muffin. An insipid but super healthy muffin that lesbians love.

I ate a blueberry lesbian muffin for breakfast today.

by Candy_1234 October 13, 2019

Muffin head

a word that badboyhalo uses to call his friends idiots or stupid.

badboyhalo: LANGUAGE! you muffin head!

by thecraftingtable.. March 20, 2021

Cutting the muffin

Where a girl wears knickers that are several sizes too small.

She was proper cutting the muffin with that little black string

by Smuttyman August 26, 2016

sweet muffin

A shot of fireball. Mostly ordered in large quantities.

I'll have a shot of fireball. Better yet lets get a bakers dozen of sweet muffins!

by Gary03mw January 20, 2017

atomic muffin

The Act of taking a weed muffin and shoving it full fisted up a person's Anus, whether it be for sexual reasons or to "get a better high".

Kendall asked her boyfriend to give her an atomic muffin so that she'd get a better high tonight.

by Maximilian_wilhoit November 7, 2022

Muffin Yodeler

When a man pleasures a woman orally and attempts to yodel while he does it.

"What was the weird, muffled singing I heard last night?"

"Oh, that was Stavios and Cindy. He's a Muffin Yodeler so he makes a lot of noise.

by Buffman6651 April 16, 2015