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Second Prestige at life

Adjetive: When people are so brofessional at life that they are above others who are not bros.

Eylam, Remy, Steven, Will, Brendan, Jake, and Lucas are second prestige at life.

by Hideki okajima October 15, 2011

Second Hand Blushing

When you read something out of a book, that involves one of the characters blushing due to sethinf being done/said, eventually causing you (the reader) to blush like the character, in response.

Jade was second hand blushing when she read Carter confess to Zia in her book.

by Ultimate_Shipper/Fangirl September 20, 2017


Something that causes a brief laugh or smile in the moment, but is exceptionally uninteresting when thought about later on.


Harvey: "Bro! Remember that time we were at Olive Garden, and you said something, and I said 'Nice!', and then you held up your knife and said 'Knife!'??

Karlos: "Don't bring that up, homie. That's a 1-second-funny at most, definitely not worth bringing up in conversation."

Harvey: "But we both laughed when it happened!"

Karlos: "You laughed when it happened, just because you'd never compared those two words before. Once you associate them together, it's not really that tight when somebody points it out."

Harvey: "We should make a word for that kind of oddly common scenario."

Karlos: "Our Creator already made a word for that: 1-second-funny."

Harvey: "Ah right! Thanks, dude!"

No problem.

by CitrusRhymer April 14, 2014

Second Hand Stoned

To become stoned by affiliation or by the presence of your stoned friends even though you never blazed.

Friends acting stoned
"Girl, you're acting so second hand stoned right now."

by SuperStarStoner April 20, 2013

two seconds please

The universally way of knowing that you're fucked. Popularized by celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay.

"Hey you, Two seconds please." - Chef Ramsay

by ohhistevie April 7, 2018

Second-Hand Mayonnaise

Excess mayonnaise that has been wiped from a butter knife to the edge of the mayonnaise jar.

"I can't reach the bottom of this jar, but the second-hand mayonnaise at the top has bread crumbs in it."

by Lacan May 20, 2009

It only hurts for a second

Quote from barbie life in the dreamhouse. Mainly used during injection / vaccination / pinches

It only hurts for a second like a pinch.
nEvErMiNd pInCheS dOnT hUrt for a Second

by $EM!N@H4LL1W3LL July 1, 2022