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White Syndrome

A male or female, that for one reason or another, feels the need to be dating somebody of the opposite or same sex all the time.

oh man, that guy has a bad case of White Syndrome. He just broke up with his girlfriend, and now his going out with another chick

by MC-UbER June 3, 2011

Buddy Syndrome

The phenomenon where some men between the ages of 20-35 only ever refer to people they're talking about as "my buddy" despite usually being nothing more than a vague acquaintance with them. Typically when you become aware of a friend or family member doing this, it's becomes very hard to ignore. The guys who do this are generally the dude bros after college, or that didn't go to college in the first place.

"I don't think I've ever heard Dave refer to any of his friends by name, for all we know, it's the same guy. I guess he's got a bad case of Buddy syndrome"

by Baron Von Coque July 21, 2015

Snooze Syndrome.

Alarm... Snooze... Alarm... Snooze.... Alarm... SHIIIIIT!

Even when we know we should probably get up or we will be late we convince ourselfs that sleeping ten miniutes wont hurt, then we repeat and repeat untill we are about half an hour late then blame our alarm.

Beep beep.

Oh 10 more miniutes

Beep beep

*smacks snooze button*

Beep Beep


*Jumps out of bed muttering "Stupid Snooze Syndrome. !"*

by Anna's February 7, 2010

bromantic syndrom

when a girl behaves more like a guy than a girl and hangs out with mostly guys which causes the guys to all fall for her in one point or another

claudia's guy friends all have the bromantic syndrom

by derpingallday December 26, 2015

Songwriting syndrome

When a song is too fast and too messy to sound good.

Why isn't this sounding good?
I think it's suffering from the songwriting syndrome...

by metallica3000 March 24, 2012

polypenis syndrome

A chromosomal disorder when each time you like a new girl, a new penis grows out of your scrotum. This allows you to have sex with all your crushes at the same time.

It's going to be a nightmare when you put a guy with polypenis syndrome into a room full of hot chicks.

by Ploopy cereals May 18, 2017

Chastity Syndrome

Constantly telling lies, especially when the truth is better.

Henry, you lie so much. I would bet you have Chastity Syndrome.

by Jennni December 3, 2019