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Getting Squared

The act of having a three way with some twins.

Man 2: Hey, so I did something last night and I need help defining it..

Man 1: Yeah, no problem, what's up?

Man 2: Well me and my twin were at the Bar last night, and this girl asked if we wanted to come back to her place, and we ended up having a three way. I was thinking of calling it Double the Fun, what do you think?

Man 1: Sounds to me like she was getting squared.. and you're into some pretty kinky shit.

Man 2: Thanks!

by ThisDarkKnight August 6, 2013

1๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Square root of two

A derivation of going number two wherein the excrement is not fully expelled; turtling; sharting.

John: Kelly, what's that smell? Did you go number 2?

Kelly: No, my brutha, that was the square root of two. Sweet mother of pearl, that was a stinky square root of two.

by SweetMotherOfPearl July 2, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

square social distance

6 square feet.

This rug, which is 2x3 feet, is 1 square social distance.

by Pialinist August 14, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

square root of 0

When you don't have a will to live anymore

Suicidal person: Man, I have a square root of 0.

by applesandgrapes December 18, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tompkins Square Park

The place where people who do heroin and all sorts of drugs can all come together. The park located in the East Village in Manhattan on Avenue A. Also, a great place and hang out spot to get heroin connections, buy dope, do dope (discretely though, since theirs lots of under cover cops), find other addicts, where freight train hopping squatters stay at when they come to new york city. Home to the homeless people of lower manhattan. Also, a great place to go if you hate your life, and wants to share some nice dirty needles with some one and catch some yummy diseases like Hepatatis ,aids, stds, Scabies, etc.

Person #1- "Hey dude you wanna go down to Tompkins Square park and get some dope?"

Person #2- "No thanks man, i dont wanna catch hep c"

Person #1- "Oh no dude dont worry, I already have it"

by Shlimey man January 2, 2011

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varrock square girl

Basically a shemale who is really a dude with a sausage, but some people are pretty stupid!! ,they also play runescape, they have no life standing around varrock square, well that was the past, now they stand around G.E blowing guys for 3k.

Annilator24: hey babe <3, Yomammasdead: hey babe want to fuck? Shadows isn't around..., Annilator24: omg really, i have a surprise for you*takes out whopper with cheese*, Yomammasdead: omg that's a big whopper!! let me grab it and suck it... wow ann your such a varrock square girl!! how much will that be?

by lugz6 August 21, 2008

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FIFA four-square

an improved version of the classic playground game four-square, FIFA four-square is played with the feet, preferably with a soccer ball. popularized at a St. Louis highschool, the game is far superior to original.

Jim: "look, a soccer ball. . . and four squares!"
Bob: "are you thinking what i'm thinking?"
Both: joyously "FIFA FOUR-SQUARE!!!"

by willessner May 10, 2007

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