Source Code

Internet Explorer

Microsoft's included tool for downloading Google Chrome.

I use Internet Explorer to download Google Chrome whenever I get a new computer.

by f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9f10f11f12 June 4, 2018

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milking the internet

taking full advantage of free downloadable files online, mainly mp3's but also movies, photos etc., and by that experiencing an emotional high that makes it hard to stop downloading more and more.

A: "you look kinda tired. long night?"
B: "yeah i've been milking the internet non-stop. once i start it's just too difficult to quit."

by speedyconkiwi October 10, 2009

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internet pretty

The term used for when someone creates a more beautiful image of themselves by using:
text to describe themselves,
selective photo angles to show there "best side"
heavily photoshoping (sometimes) to remove all other information.
Though in real life, there just an ok looking narcassistic and yet insecure bitch\bastard, who would otherwise be a well rounded person, if the internet had no infected her with internet confidence and twisted them

Mr. T : Hey have you seen lora's new pics, shes hot!
Jacko : Yeah but i have seen her in real life, shes internet pretty!
MR. T : damn fool!
Jacko : Oww!

by Annox February 10, 2006

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Internet celebrity

Someone who is known (either world-widely or nationally) through the internet, though mainly from Youtube. Many get hated especially if they breakthrough and be part of Hollywood business (Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black), but a lot are admired.

Most internet celebrities are comedians, singers, bloggers and, nowadays, pranksters. The singers part is where some haters grow, but the comedians get a lot of praise.

They usually start out good and funny, but after a few videos, they start to do anything they want and lose ideas/creativity. But people still like them. I admit, I'm one.

Janoskians, Chris Crocker (one of the first, most influential), Shane Dawson, Smosh, Nigahiga, MrTeddy, Kevjumba, Ray William Johnson, Perez Hilton, Jenna Marbles, Community Channel (Natalie Tran)...are examples of an internet celebrity

by kilamnyaz June 6, 2012

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Internet Legend

Someone who has become famous on the internet.

Someone who has become famous through the internet.

I was watching a video online, there was this guy who is such an Internet Legend, you have to watch them

by jaffaw July 14, 2009

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internet overload

Similar to the feeling of eating to much Halloween candy, Internet Overload occurs when one spends to much time in front of a web browser reading forum replies, ventures out into the real world, and can temporarily no longer tolerate internet slang terms recited aloud such as: win, epic fail, lawl, omgwtfbbq, etc.

Internet Overload is often cured with the consumption of copious amounts of caffeine and viewing of Family Guy.

If the following phrase makes you want to punch someone you may have Internet Overload...or anger management problems...or you just prefer literacy...or a combination:

"O-M-G, dude! Last night I went to this party and my girlfriend said to meet her in a dark bedroom, so I did. Then after we sexed I turned on the light and found out it was her brother! It was a fail so epic it was almost a win!"

by AZX3RIC June 17, 2009

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internet connection

Smth that only exist for robots and gods .

hey ! there is a good internet connection in NASA and Mark Zuckerberg' home.


by Jesusson July 9, 2017

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