Source Code

Turtle Noob

An inside joke created by our friend Brian when he saw another guy naked in the shower and noticed he was uncircumsized and called him a turtle noob, referring to his penis looking like a turtle in his shell. Can also be used as another way to call somebody a noob

"Man i was showering with sean last night and i noticed hes a turtle noob!"

"Man Alex you are such a turtle noob in Super Smash Bros. I just want to lube you up and give you an ass-pounding!"

by Gavin Issel May 19, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

noob host

In DOTA, noob host has a few defination:
1. Complete moron that create a DOTA game and full house, purpose leave the game without the game ever start, annoy everyone out.
2. Host that create a DOTA game but suck at it. Commonly seen as love to become feeder.
3. Host that almost lose the game and leave the game when opponent are closer to their victory, pissing them out.
4. Host that lag the game and delay it, and so on, fucking everyone off.
5. Host that AFK and leave when his level is so low. Example: everyone is above level 18 but host still at 12.

1. Host: ok, gogogo.

AP mode.
Host has left the game.
Gamer 1: Hey, fuck u.
Gamer 2, NOOB HOST LA!

2. gamer 7 pwn host's head for 275 gold!
gamer 7 is beyond godlike! Somebody kill him!
gamer 2: sigh! Host got fucked again!
gamer 3: serve that faggot right! Who ask the noob host to feed gamer 7 so much???
gamer 7: ^^

3. Gamer 7, 8, 9, 10: Yeah! Faster push, we almost win!
Gamer 2, 3, 4, 5: GG! ^^
Host has left the game.
Everyone: zzzzzzzz
Everyone: Piss the host off la!
Gamer 4: LOL! NOOB HOST!

4. Gamer 6: Lag again! Host got tunnel or not???
Host: tunnel already lo!
Gamer 6: then y still lag??
Host: zzzzzzz
Gamer 7: Noob Host! ^^

5. ( Ping the map )
Gamer 5: If wasn't the host afk, we could have win.
Gamer 3: Yalo, Fucking Noob Host!
Gamer 4: See la, host only level 12 only!

Host has left the game.

Everyone: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Gamer 4: Like that also left game. XD!

by sonicstream May 11, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

yammie noob

The king squid YouTuber that crashed his ducati into a rock. Begged for "medical" funds on go fund me to cover the medical bills for the accident. Few months later bought the same ducati with those funds and then crashed it into a prosche while riding on a suspended license with state minimum insurance and flew 30 feet in the air. Then proceeded to again ask for funds to help cover medical bills to repeat the process.

Dan: did you just see that shit fly up 30 ft in the sky ?

James: yea what the fuck was that ?

Dan: probably yammie noob, it's snafu for the king of squids.

by Wouldjablowmie June 9, 2017

45๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

stfu noob

what dumb fags say to people who are just starting a game online.

billy475633555433573456735875676: Hi im new to this game, can anyone help me?
1337PwNz00r: stfu noob
billy475633555433573456735875676: oy na youre a fag and you probably play this game every day and work at like McDonalds for 50 cents an hour.
1337PwNz00r:stfu noob!
billy475633555433573456735875676: just cos its true...

by billy475633555433573456735875676 March 16, 2008

77๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž

Noob Slayer

A noob slayer is a player that thinks to be cool cause he can PK noobs and newbies. By doing that, the player is considered lame and he/she's treated worse than noobs. Noob Slayers proclame themselves as pros too, but they lack of technique because they always fought against ridicolously weaker characters than them. Noob Slayers are often owned by real pros, and do not accept defeat.

They usually have a short temper too, acting aggressively and bossy with the community, tending to isolate themselves.

Noob Slayers like to aggro in groups, to lower their chances of defeat. In games like Lineage 2, Noob Slayers tend to "raid" areas like starting towns and areas where low level players tend to level up.

These players are attracted by pros, trying desperately to be friends with them. Obviously they fail in doing that, and that's the moment in which they act like total noobs by spamming and insulting other pple.

Pros> Normal players > Newbies > Noobs > Noob Slayers

by Kenjitheninja January 22, 2007

29๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

noob cake

a noob who is greater than all tha otha noobs

yo that noob cake cant get one kill

by pimpaholic May 13, 2006

64๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

noob, n00b

Same as "newbie".

by Tommy Rex September 29, 2003

20๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž