What Esther's specializes in.
Kurtie- "We ordered 5 hours ago, where the fuck is our food?"
Jured- "Remember, we're at Esther's. Bad service is their thing."
Katie- "Ohhhh, yeah."
The opposite of "grave goods", which are items buried with someone who's died, to accompany them in the afterlife.
Grave bads are the items people start gifting or regifting to family and friends as they get older, trying to simplify their lives, unhoard their homes, and generally realize you can't take it with you, and it's not worth keeping. Though not fully ready for the trash, so they find a home for it in you.
After a full and industrious life, Lawrence had assembled scads of tools, art, and other comforting sundries. But rather than give them away as burdensome grave bads, he loaded them on his boat, set sail with his last breaths and lit himself and all of it on fire.
Bad arthritis means big boobs. When one says bad arthritis they should have there hands in an boob grabbing motion, giving the appearance of having sore hands.
Damn did you see that girl back there? She had some bad arthritis!
18 grams of mushrooms in a vitamin c smoothie split between four people and shit goes awry. used to describe a general wrongness
Dude 1: Wanna go to Chippendale's?
Dude 2: No Dude, BAD COUCH!
Mr. Whitford, or any distiguished Canine, toy that makes it behave badly.
"Bad coon made me do it" "I didn't do it, that was bad coon!"
Bad wolves is a somewhat new Rock/metal band
Bad wolves is the best
"Bad Spelling" with bad spelling
This sentense is un exampull of bad speling