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The most arrogant, self sentered bastard you’ll ever meet, the enemy of God, the enemy of Humanity, hates all that is good, hates every one and every thing, hates all of creation, doomed to hell, but brings everyone possible down with him.

Satan is a defeated loser, the ONLY loser, maybe, Satan is a wretch, a beast, a dragon, but ultimately defeated by Jesus, our lord and savior, who you should seek instantly, because there’s no guarantee for tomorrow, find him, seek him, he’s the closest he’s ever been, find Jesus today.

Satan deserves nothing.

by Joe mama1928478291 April 17, 2024


An Evil Spirit who rules over all Demons and wrote all of the sins in reality. He is very Evil and Cruel and is the God of most people in this World.


by Sexy European Balls March 17, 2020


Deciever of the Nations!
Prince of Darkness!
Evil one!
Repent, you who accept Jesus as your Savior.

Hey uhh... Satan, is it? Yeah. Well... Step away from the throne!

by Mr.Preacher December 3, 2018


Satan: Is a female angel of heaven.
A Queen of Yahweh.
And the rank of Cherubim.
She rebellion (rebellious)
Against the universe King Yahweh.
Got angry - when Yahweh told the heaven beings her and all the angels of heavens, HIS PLAN

A plan , to create the human beings, and they shall govern all things he created even planet in the far future. Putting them over these universe things and over all animals.
Even put his new creation the HUMANs over the hosts of Heaven.
She began to think over all the angels ! (Even Her)
Got offereded.
Rebelled and took 1/3rd of the angels to join Her.
Those that joined her, are called fallen angels or evil angels. Then they leave Yahweh presence stopped keeping Yahweh feasts 3 per year feasts . Entered the NEW Earth, created the 🦕 dinosaurs.
Blood sports as entertaining to them.
To watch dinosaurs rip each other apart fighting.
Yahweh steps in the spirit of Yahweh....was hovering over the waters: Yahweh sent a Flood Water number 1 Genesis Book.
Water was already on Earth before Adam and Eve was. The water flood , destroys the Dinosaurs. Yahweh created Adam then Eve.

Biblical " and you was perfect in beauty" ....and I married you on the holy mountain in heaven " Yahweh talks about Satan.
Not a male Angel

by Religious Descons May 29, 2024


Satan: Is a female angel of heaven.
A Queen of Yahweh.
And the rank of Cherubim.
She rebellion (rebellious)
Against the universe King Yahweh.
Got angry - when Yahweh told the heaven beings her and all the angels of heavens, HIS PLAN

A plan , to create the human beings, and they shall govern all things he created even planet in the far future. Putting them over these universe things and over all animals.
Even put his new creation the HUMANs over the hosts of Heaven.
She began to think over all the angels ! (Even Her)
Got offended.
Rebelled and took 1/3rd of the angels to join Her.
Those that joined her, are called fallen angels or evil angels. Then they leave Yahweh presence stopped keeping Yahweh feasts 3 per year feasts . Entered the NEW Earth, created the 🦕 dinosaurs.
Blood sports as entertaining to them.
To watch dinosaurs rip each other apart fighting.
Yahweh steps in the spirit of Yahweh....was hovering over the waters: Yahweh sent a Flood Water number 1 Genesis Book.
Water was already on Earth before Adam and Eve was. The water flood , destroys the Dinosaurs. Yahweh created Adam then Eve.

Biblical " and you was perfect in beauty" ....and I married you on the holy mountain in heaven " Yahweh talks about Satan.
Not a male Angel

by Religious Descons May 29, 2024


my mom

my mother is satan

by i’m am your real mother November 23, 2021



My nickname is Satan.

by TOAOSL April 15, 2023