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a sexy man who loves watching DPChew and SneepGG, (a White kid who took roids to make his voice deeper in an attempt to pull bitches.... it didnt work. The kid also watches dps vods before he goes to sleep because hes horny)

CC: Hey Age are we planning on going to the movies tonight?

Age: sorry I have to watch sneep and endure his fetish with sommerset

by SneepSyndrome April 28, 2021


A number


by lezeux September 12, 2019


It's just a number.

Dude, age is just a number.

You know what else is a number? 911.

by mb1122 December 10, 2020


age (v). to zone out or to ignore is to age. derived from the room. (30/01/22)

i am tryna age the bad vibes but they get me v

by Pilot_suicide January 30, 2022


The biggest clown there is on earth

The age was at my birthday part

by Jamar Akubar March 11, 2020


A number to show how long you've lived, although it gets inaccurate after you turn 10.

1: How old are you, in years of age?
2: 10. And I don't age, silly.
1. You age. That's revealed by how tall you are.

by HansTheExplorer September 21, 2022


Age is only a number

50year old man: wanna fuck I will make ur PG
6 year old girl: sure g I can’t take nuffin smaller than 7inches

50 year old: oh it’s alright it 9inch bb
6year old: lets get down and dirty plus age is only a number

by I eat noodles 101 January 19, 2020