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Touch Dicks At The Tips

!. It's when you touch the tip of your penis to another man's penis tip
2. Gay men love that shit.
3. Sometimes straight men do it as well in an attempt to send telepathic thoughts to each other through their penises.

I have secret mike that I need to tell you. Sshhh Don't say it aloud. Are you mad?? Let's go in the bathroom so we can touch dicks at the tips. Okay, bro. Your secret is safe with me.

by Gay4Ghosts July 2, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

knuckle touch of peace

when shaking hands in church, instead of doin thepeace wave or the bullshit handshake or the peace sign. Do this: knuckle touch the person you`re trading peace with and blow up the fist and spray peace on the four or more people standing around you. doing this saves your hands from getting germs from the old people in church.

After I watched to many people bullshit handshake each other, peace wave each other, and peace sign each other, I made up the knuckle touch of peace and tried it out on the lady in front of me.

by blu3hat January 29, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

mud touched the cloth

AKA "mud touched the cotton"

When you soil your underpants due to an unexpected shart.
Please note that this is the extreme case of a shart in which the fecal matter explodes beyond the crevice of your butt crack and makes contact with your undergarments.

Harold pushed his fart out so hard that the mud touched the cloth. His wife regrets making the bean burritos.

by Mr. Terrible April 29, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Inappropriate Touching Tuesday

Every Tuesday, it is acceptable to touch others inappropriately while in the work place or at school.

I can't wait for Inappropriate Touching Tuesday, it's my favorite day of the week!

by *?*47 March 10, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Touch my penis

Go on, touch it. It won't bite.

by Anonymous May 7, 2003

103๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pee-Pee Touch

A game played between men that involves the backhanding of another mans genitals. The act of pee-pee touching must be done as a surprise, and when contact is made, one must exclaim "Pee-pee touch!" The first recorded playing of pee-pee touch was at the First Continental Congress in 1774.

Eric came into the living room, and to his surprise he was hit with the backhand of Mark. As Eric collapsed, Mark proclaimed "Pee-pee touch!"

by Gun Guy February 25, 2011

36๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Out Of Touch Cunts

The only sensible way to describe the colossally oblivious staff at Urban Dictionary, who wouldn't be able to spot culturally relevant humour if it was fashioned into a .50 caliber machine gun round and fired into their gormless, fuckwitted faces.

You are Out Of Touch Cunts.
Out Of Touch Cunts is what you are.
Tourist: "Excusez moi, I was 'oping to locate some utterly clueless fuckwits to mock. I am a long way from 'ome and 'ave no idea where to look."
Helpful person: "Sadly, you aren't actually in America, so the number of utterly clueless fuckwits is going to be quite low. What you need to do is visit the on-line Urban Dictionary. The people that run that thing are such brainless shit-cunts that I'd be surprised if they weren't ALL American! Hahahaha!"
Tourist: "Hahahahahaha! They must be real Out Of Touch Cunts, nes pas?"
Helpful person: " Yes! They really are! Utter fucking wankstains, the lot of them! Allegedly!"

by Dubwar666 May 15, 2019

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