Dirty scum who think they're absolute solid manz
Billy: have you seen my new coat it's north face
Ching Chong: who solid manz is this
a process where one is punched in the face
and then drowned
coined from the song "shapeshift"
i will punch you in the mouth and then i will drown you
amphibian face lift
N. A mental state triggered by extacy or MDMA.
V. When faces melt into themselves after using Molly.
"Yo I was mooking face for hours"
"I looked into the mirror and saw my mooking face"
When someone's face is so bright & red it looks like they ate ghost peppers
I bumped into Rolf today at school. Man his face was so red it looks like he ate 10 ghost peppers. He has a Ghost Pepper Face!
a person that thinks there rugged but really isnt, usually drops out of high school and listens to alot of ICP because the feel sorry for themselves, they wear red bandanas out of their sagging jeans pockets and claim there in gangs that dont exist. the phrase bull faced killer is used to point them out because the try to act rugged and ruthless but there really pussies. also they dont shower
look at the ICP fag what a bull face killa.
wow look at that kid i can smell him from here what a bull face
What you shoot video game charters in; i.e the head.
shot 'em in his dome flavored face box