Someone who constantly calls another person a dick head
Stop calling me a dick head u vaginal face
The red ring around your face from the face pad on your Oculus Quest after playing Pokerstars VR for hours.
Amanda took off her headset after 3 hours and realized she now has poker face.
Also can be shortened as "cookin." basically means you're high as fuck.
Person 1- "yo you good?"
Person 2- "I'm cookin in the face"
Person 1- "you must be high as shit"
Person 1- "yo you good?"
Person 2- "I'm cookin in the face"
Person 1- "you must be high as shit"
Person 1- "you cookin?"
Person 2- "yeah I'm high as hell"
A word used to refer to someone who is stoned out of their mind. Derives from one's blank face when they are high as shit and zoned out in their own world.
Alex: Yo space face, snap out of it. You've been staring at the ceiling for the past 5 minutes.
Jeff: Haha sorry dude. The last dab really hit me hard.
A face that has the appearance that it just got done eating shit.
A shocked grumpy face.
Damn shrek you got a poop face goin on.
of relating to a face with poop, short word for Angellina Marie Perez
Angellina Is the only poop face in the world!
a insult to people. many kids under the age of 7 use this word
The boy was being such a poop face!!