when a girl (usually an ugly one) puts on way too much make up, so much so that it's as if she has painted it on her face. She does this in hopes to attract a guy but almost always has the opposite effect.
I was going to hit on that chick I saw across the club but when I got closer I saw she was a paint can face so I aborted that mission faster then an unwanted fetus.
Wow honey you said you didn’t like me behind my back good for you! 🥳 🏅
If you don’t like me say it to my face :)
when you see a midget in the hallway, you say this
Get out of my house faggot!! Skeeted on your face!
1 (n.) A person who runs over a traffic sign while inebriated and ignores it, resulting in a DUI.
2 (v.) The act of running over a traffic sign while inebriated and ignoring it, resulting in a DUI.
1 Yo MC Chedda Face, you ran over a One Way sign on and parked very obviously next to it... did you expect no one to call the cops just because you were on mad benzos?
2 Bro, you were so drunk last night you ran over the stop sign on my street and just left your car there... way to pull a MC Chedda Face!
When one uses facebook as a twitter like apparatus to express random shit.
Face tweeter: "I just ate some soup lol"
Guy: "Couldn't you have just used your twitter account for that?"
Face tweeter: "Oh, sorry. I must have been face tweeting again."
When at the end of the felatio, man pulls his penis out of the womans mouth and rocks his balls all over her face while singing an adapt version of Jingle bells, which goes like this: "Jingle balls, jingle balls, jingle on your face". The combination doesn't have to be heterosexual, the only mandatory aspect of this act are the requirements of the balls. And a face. Usage of animals is also allowed.
Man 1: "Last night I performed jingle on your face on your mamma."
Man 2: "O really? How did it go?"
Man 1: "Actually really good, I tied her down this time, so her resistanse was futile."
An Asian person because they often have faces that appear flat, like a flange.
That flange face looks like he walked face first, straight into a brick wall.