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Sexy bastard

A beautiful specimen of a man that has a micropenis

Blake is a sexy bastard

by passgas October 19, 2021

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Cheeky bastard

When you're drunk or high so you do what you were told not to do ,and you don't do what you were told to do.

Mom: did you wash the dishes?
Jeremy: no hehe
Mom: why you cheeky bastard!

by Kingtrolo64p July 31, 2021

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rude bastard

people that need to get a life. people that need to back off and rot in hell.

the year 7 boys are such rude bastards

by polkmn123 May 22, 2016

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Green Bastard

Dream, a minecraft Speedrunner

Dream: β€œTommy, I still have the discs.”
TommyInnit: β€œYOU GREEN BASTARD! Actually, that’s fine. I have Spirit.”
Dream: β€œYOU WHAT?!” *Kills TommyInnit*

by Wife Haver February 13, 2021

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cheating bastard

A person who is unfaithful to somebody, normally a lover. If you would put this definition into a 'Twitch' emote you would use 'forsenCD'

Donator: I want you to fuck my wife
Streamer: Okay sir!
Twitch chat: forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD forsenCD

Example 2:

Guy: I heard your husband was cheating on you.
Wife: what a fuckin' cheating bastard!

by ghu9cfdt November 13, 2018

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Portuguese Bastard

A male of Portuguese descent who also exhibits the known traits of a bastard. They also tend to be short and have a lack of opinion. They also enjoy partaking in chilly-williys.

That Portuguese bastard just bought a child's ticket for a movie even though he is 18. Wow what a Portuguese bastard.

by deputy dan February 28, 2012

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battling bastards

WW2 battle of the Philippines " Battling Bastards of Bataan "

Battling bastards of Bataan were good americanos there song still rings in our ears! From the shores of baha california to the streets of LA. We will fight our countries bad boys, with mujeres on each arm.

by itichie_nocanpo June 23, 2006

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