not PH, its a group of 4 weirdos.
Ab, Adi, Kw and Pra are the horn pub.
A sexually active and horny female.
(HER) “Baby, I’m so horny I want you to fuck me.
(HIM) “ We just finished fucking for 3 hours straight 30 mins ago...... Fine take your panties off you fucking horn bun.
you can't get into anymore trouble the situation your in is mess up it get's
My friend was so wasted I said To him after a hangover you don't have to yank it two horns
A derogatory term used to describe a loud British person.
*British person being loud*
Non-British person: "Shut the fuck up Fog Horn!"
FOG HORN is when you are doing your woman in the ass and she farts and it sounds like a fog horn
dude1: my girl put out such a stanky nasty fog horn last night
dude2: ohhhh thats sooo grosss
In a video game, killing oneself with a rocket launcher.
"Did you just die?"
"Yeah, I was too close to the wall and Johnny-horned myself"