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poopy mayonnaise

A very intelligent word only used by very intelligent and big ball people referring to the term I shit in my mayonnaise.

Only the most intelligent people use this word!

Man: I almost died today!
Woman: omg are you ok?

Random man: poopy mayonnaise

by phonebadbookgood April 20, 2022

Miss Poopy

Miss Poopy is a girl that many would consider the definition of beauty. The booty is pic perfect and the boobies are a dream.

Bro Miss Poopy invited me over last night, it was crazy af

by Dadudedasamesican June 4, 2024

2👍 2👎

Toilet poopy

A child’s word for shit in the toilet not on the floor bozo.

Teen who seemingly is drunk: bla bla bla. I don’t care ima do it anyways.

by Superdiaper February 1, 2023


It means you have a big poopy and your underwear needs to be changed lol poopy

person 1: I have to go STUPID DUMB POOPY
person 2: what
person 1: you know what I said
person 2: go kill yourself pls

by RANDOM GUY (all caps) December 13, 2023

poopy john

A toilet with poop

Look at that poopy John

by The me face January 15, 2018

poopy sniffer

a person that sticks their head in the toilet and sniffs poop.

if you're a poopy sniffer dni

by chiaruko July 1, 2022

splatter poopies

Much like butt pee but still has a few solid chunks

I can't come into work today, I have the splatter poopies

by The dahmer February 1, 2016