a) Canadian prison slang for a 5-year sentence (60 months) as in the federal prisons, this is considered a short sentence, which is the older meaning of a minute.
b) MINUTE: short period of time
How long you in for, mate?
Just a prison minute -- no biggie
"Hey, can I see you for a minute in my office?" ("You're the boss; let me drop everything & attend to your order.")
An unspecified amount of time or time spent poorly on non-important things.
Bro 1: Bro I need you to cashapp me for the drinks last night
Bro 2: Just give me a monkey's minute bro and I'll get it for you
Pronounced, like "minute" (i.e. 60 seconds) followed by "ly". Not "my-NOOT-ly".
In this usage, it means that something is done about every minute.
He complains minutely. That boy it really extra sometimes.
Quick consensual sex before work
The alarm went off - She smiled and hit the snooze button offering me a soldier’s minute.
5-minute craft is used as a noun or adjective for someone that has literally no common sense and is just an overall moron. This term is related to the 5-Minute Crafts YouTube channel and is used as an insult for people who portray similar qualities to the channel.
Person 1: Why are they doing something so stupid?
Person 2: It’s because they’re a 5-minute craft.
It’s when one side is clearly dominant and the other side is slowly pittering to their death
“Bro at the concert the percussion was clearly dominant over the rest of the band.”
“Kinda like the 38 minute war”
Mentioned in the song Turn Red, by M Dot R. Is a reference to Kayvon Parsa Najibzadeh.
If yuh looking fi ya one minute man, Goddamn, she get di wrong man!