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"Ohhhhhhh...!" moment

The super-welcome/relieving point in time when ya hear a repair-person make the much-hoped-for "Aha! I just now spotted what the problem is" type of exclamation, and so you happily realize that not only did he locate the source of the malfunction in your device, but his cheerful/confident tone also indicates that he knows how to fairly-easily correct said issue, and so presumably you should be "back up and running" without too much delay or expense.

I always love experiencing that wonderful "Ohhhhhhh...!" moment whenever I take a malfunctioning vehicle or household device in for service, since it means that the device is indeed repairable after all, and won't be that much trouble to get operating normally again.

by QuacksO November 8, 2018

artist moment

Like a senior moment when everything else is forgotten, and the artist's minds goes into creative mode. Things like remembering where items put down during this time are misplaced, doors to exterior of the building, and cupboards are not closed. Sentences are halted mid stream, all because the artist has a rush of creative insight.

Yeah, I was going to apply for that job but, I had an artist moment.

by mapke May 4, 2015

joshen moment

A generic term for any moment that involves errors in grammar, spelling, usage of vocabulary, capitalization, pronunciation, or factuality.

Edward: come on, let's go ovr their.
Claire: Wow, that is truly a joshen moment.

by rarefemale January 31, 2014

Murlock Moment

A Murlock Moment happens when the owner of the formerly popular Garry's mod server "Imperium Gaming WW2RP" tries to revive his server again, without making any changes to the content.

- Did you hear the news?
- Yes, Imperium Gaming is reopening again, what a murlock moment

by A funny italian man April 8, 2021

A "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" Moment

A "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" Moment is a moment of time when one individual is bored to the point they type all the letters on the keyboard in certain patterns, and proceed to see the definitions of each pattern on the website known as "Urban Dictionary."
The first instance of this occurring is when the most common keyboard pattern "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" (Hence the Name) first appeared on Urban Dictionary, and the word was defined as; "A phenomena that happens to a computer's keyboard when a human being is bored to death..." This led to many other people creating patterns on their keyboards, such as, "qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp," "mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq," and "plmoknijbuhvygctfxrdzeswaq," which were all defined with similar definitions, with one thing being in common; boredom. Thus, these instances still occur with more people trying to form new and unique keyboard patterns in a battle to see who defines them first on Urban Dictionary. These moments, forged from the human emotion of "boredom," mixed with the accessibility to a device with a keyboard, have now been defined as, A "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" Moment, a time where a bored person proceeds to type all of the keys on a keyboard in a certain pattern, in hopes that their boredom will disappear, and also in hopes of finding the pattern they typed on Urban Dictionary.

"I am so bored! I have a laptop, but there's noting to do... I might just have A "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" Moment...

by Calatapa Chiron October 2, 2023

Mong'posterthy moment

when mongus man goes to mogus drip store, becomes a mong'poster and then starts flying

"Hey, you want a cookie"


"ok buy some mongus stuff"


*starts flying*

"guys look! that's a mong'posterthy moment!!!"

by DW | Krispy Comrade May 4, 2021

albania moment

When you deafet an Ottoman army dubble the sise of your own and on your own win a war against them.


Brad: Sir this is a mcdonalds.

by Tigersharkwoo November 25, 2020