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Mr Poostripes

A really smelly, runny shit. Named "Poostripes" because of his messy and diarrhoea-like qualities.

Phil: Holy shit! I just took a messy dump!
Adam: Let's call him Mr Poostripes!

by matrixbadger February 17, 2009

21πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

MR beady

Mr beady is the largest thot ever and likes to look at little girls bums. he also looks like dumbo the fucking elephant and has giant ass ears

Uh oh here comes Mr beady hope he doesn't eat my ass

by ThOT DEssTRoyeR February 8, 2018

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Mrs. Jones

1.) adj. To be a Mrs. Jones; A woman who has an affair with a man while she is in a relationship. See adultery

2.) adj. a describing word for one who cheats in a game.

3.) noun. A song by the title "Me and Mrs. Jones" was recorded by billy paul in 1972. The song is often refered to as Mrs. Jones.

You know she has a boyfriend, but she's my Mrs. Jones.

by iAm_theElemental January 26, 2011

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Mr. Right

Your dream man. Could be anybody.

Tiffany: Omg, Rachel, I swear to you I found my Mr. Right today.

Rachel: Lucky. I'm still on the lookout.

by CranberryKing January 16, 2017

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mr smith

a large hamster looking pedophile who likes children

yo run mr smith is coming

by urdadsnose January 5, 2020

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

mr grimes

Junior. aka β€œmr J”

the teacher or substitute that all the kids love and for good reason, no one smarter or more in touch with reality and the education system than mr grimes, also an acting coach and rapper part time the coolness of mr the grimes is UNMATCHED AND LIMITLESS.

Any skill someone wishes to learn or improve upon its 100% chance that mr grimes specializes in it or at the very least has mastered it 10 times over.

Mr grimes translates to β€œbest mf teacher in history of teaching”

Mr grimes is kooler than an ice cube on a chicago rooftop

RateMyProfessor.com was originally going to integrate mr grimes onto their website but changed their minds as mr Grimes is above being rated as he’s already the gold standard by default

11/10 is the standard rating for mr Grimes’ teaching methods

by Veronicccs January 14, 2022

271πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž

Mr. Burns

A Simpsons character based on Mr. Charles Bridges, a gym teacher at Harrison High School. Harrison is where the creator of The Simpsons went.

Mr. Burns is Mr. Bridges

by groosha5 October 22, 2010

34πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž