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The act of which a person in a committed relationship or marriage isnt faithful to their partner. It can be an emotional affair where attention and talk is the want or it can be a physical affair where fucking is the agenda and all that's wanted. It usually ends in a disaster, shame, guilt, divorce or the guilty parties running off together.

She and Russ had some fun back in their time. But he married Lane and then it was considered an affair to screw people on the side behind her back.

by heyithappens April 8, 2015

323๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


when a man/woman are married and have sex with another man/woman.

I'm having an affair with the daugther of my friend.

by WEHG October 5, 2006

1160๐Ÿ‘ 643๐Ÿ‘Ž


something that destroys people's lives and something you should always refrain from having because you will realize eventually how stupid it was

He had an affair with her best friend, and when she found out about it, she instantly divorced him and they never talked again.

by pbfn4ever-51 May 23, 2011

293๐Ÿ‘ 164๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who affairs in a relationship

An Affairer cheats on you

by ninjashyper0 August 4, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word used by women of a certain age who are dried up sexually that means an event and not a sexual liaison.

"I'm having an affair."
"Oh, are you having it catered?"

by bagitbabe May 15, 2008

159๐Ÿ‘ 263๐Ÿ‘Ž

affair excuses

What you tell the wife when you are with your whore

- playing golf

- going for a long walk with the dogs

- at a business meeting

- going for a long lunch in the country with the best friend (one who also has a mistress)

- working late

- meeting some old boys in London

Girlfriend : i didn't see you on Thursday night. can we hook up at the weekend

Adulterer : Sure. I can get away. i'll just give the wife one of my affair excuses

by farnham philanderer January 3, 2017

1250๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Civil Affairs

A part of the United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command that specializes in a wide variety of military missions and operations to include:
1. Jumping out of planes
2. Preparing to jump out of planes
3. Riding in planes, preparing to jump out of planes, but then landing again
4. Giving toys to orphans for the opportunity to jump out of planes
5. Constantly talking about jumping out of planes
6. Bragging about (insert country here) jump wings
7. Saying things like "dirty leg", "when I was with group..." and "back with division we always..."

In addition to these tasks, Civil Affairs soldiers sometimes (rarely) train in and undertake Civil Military Operations, to include assisting combatant commanders in their interactions with the local populace, acting as a liaison between military and other US Government entities, members of the international community and NGOs, in order to ensure a whole of government approach to military operations and civilian interactions.

Dude: Man I'm so excited, my Civil Affairs unit has battle assembly this weekend!
Bro: Cool! What are you going to do!
Dude: Jump out of planes!

Dude: So we're going to jump into the objective.
Bro: Uh, but we're Civil Affairs, can't we just drive there?
Dude: You dirty leg, back when I was with the eighty-deuce we always jumped!
Bro: But this isn't even a war zone... we're staying in a hotel... and have rental cars...

Dude: This year's Civil Affairs training schedule includes 24 jumps
Bro: When are we going to practices our specialized tasks that we've f*cked up repeatedly in Iraq and Afghanistan due to lack of training and familiarity?
Dude: Ain't nobody got time for that. When I was with group....

by CASARGE May 7, 2013