A challenge in which you are not allowed to masturbate for all of October.
Person 1: Will you participate in Opposite Orgasm October?
Person 2: I just failed.
Remember when I said that women are full of shit and don't know what's going on down there anyways?
Hym "Well NOW... There's a female orgasm app (I can't remember the name) and the SALES PITCH... IS LITERALLY THE THING I SAID! Have you seen the commercial? Have you see the ad? If you have and you know who I am then you know that I am CORRECT A-FUCKING-GAIN!!! And now there's an app to help you become like me! It's like the fruit from the tree of knowledge. You can use that app to become like ME. A person who isn't completely full of shit! Isn't that nice? But you'll only 'be like me' in the 'not full of shit' sort of way. You won't be a genius. You won't be better than everyone. And you CERTAINLY won't be always-right. Only I can be thoughs things. So... Yeah. Buy the app. And take my money and let me hit it."
(n) Being physically aroused by stationery, sorting systems, and other forms of organization.
I can't believe you Marie Kondo-ed all the drawers of your dresser! You're really tapping into my orgasmization.
1. Physical attraction to stationery, sorting systems, and/or other forms of organization.
2. An orgasm due to this attraction.
I cannot believe you Marie Kondo-ed all the drawers in your dresser! Bro send me pics so I can have an orgasmization.
when u dont watch no shit sussy for october
quandale:why u cumming its november
me (femboy): cos i didnt do not shit suusy in october its called Omission from Orgasm October (OOO)
A diverse gathering of many nekkid civilians who get off together. The harmonization of their moans, groans, shrieks and squeals play to the tune of Edvard Grieg’s “Morning Mood”.
Guess what Dan! I’m a B-flat in the Orgasm Orchestra tonight!
A game to play with sexual deviants during a play/musical. Anytime music peaks or tension occurs someone in the group must try to orgasm. Whomever doesn't orgasm is eliminated, last one standing wins.
You guys wanna go see Romeo and Juliet and play Orgasm of the Opera?