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All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you. Now's your chance to add your own!
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and da besd ding evar
The act of presenting a serious mistake as a net positive result to a boss too stupid to decern the difference.
She took out that retaining wall with the forklift, but convinced her boss that the wall was unsafe and needed to go, she knows how to own your outcome.
go do somthing to your self and leave me alone
a teller of tell tales getting on your nerves an compelte fool a dim wit
Doing what ever you like in this world whist staying out of oneβs self.
If you are a Guinea rooter thatβs stuck in a pint glass thatβs fine mate !! You run your own race champion!!!
The act of calling one out on telling half-truths to a story in order to make the person appear the victim by pointing out facts that conflict with parts or all of their story.
Wayne: "My brother bullied me because I didn't give him a piece of my birthday cake."
Nick: "Actually, this is only partly true. Your brother was hoping you'd share your cake but when you didn't, you had a tantrum because you were told it was nice manners to share."
Brendan: "Wayne got per-owned!"
1.if someone with a mc last name
(e.g. McDonald)owns someone.
other mc-owns words - some one with a mc last names nickname just got mc-owned
2. you gonna get some mc-owning
3. total mc-ownage!!!
4. whats going on mc-owns